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Literacy Phonics Maths Notices

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1 Literacy Phonics Maths Notices
Newsletter Reception Class 12th February 2016 Literacy During literacy this week we have been drawing pictures of our favorite pets and have been working hard to write sentences about how to look after this pet. Lots of children have remembered to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! Also we have been writing shopping lists of all the different things that we would need to buy for our favorite pet. We have had a very exciting week in Reception this week. We have had a visit from a Vet, a baby puppy and a tortoise. We have been learning how to look after different animals. I was very impressed with everyone, you all had superb listening skills and tried very hard to answer all the different questions, well done! In addition to this it has been Science Week. We have taken part in numerous workshops and really enjoyed the Professor Brainstorm show. Phonics We have learnt the following sounds from phase 3 this week. These sounds are ar and oo and or. We have also learnt how to write the tricky words no, go, and the. Maths This week we have been learning all about 2D shapes and their properties. You have all tried exceptionally hard and can now name and recognise the pentagon and hexagon. Well done! Notices Please can all homework be completed and be returned by Monday after half term. This weeks homework is sound oo,ar and or. And to refresh yourself with all sounds done so far. Your child also has two small task to complete in their learning together book. Please can you also do as much reading as possible over half-term. Have a lovely half term, Miss Brown.

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