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Protestant Reformation Spreads

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1 Protestant Reformation Spreads
Ch 11: Age of Reformation Protestant Reformation Spreads

2 The Protestant Reformation started with a simple question:
What must I do to be saved?

3 Lutheranism Martin Luther, 1520 Germany Denmark Norway Sweden

4 Lutheranism Doctrine Services & Bible in vernacular Clergy could marry
No Purgatory! Priests unnecessary; “Priesthood of all believers” Two sacraments remained: Baptism and Eucharist (Lord’s Supper) Believed in transubstantiation = Jesus’ presence in Communion

5 Ulrich Zwingli 1484-1531, Switzerland
Preached salvation through faith alone, scriptures should be basis of religious practice Services in simple vernacular

6 Ulrich Zwingli Conflict with Luther = first major Protestant doctrine dispute Against transubstantiation = communion bread and wine are simply a symbol of Christ Zwingli developed symbolic view of Eucharist Killed in fighting against Catholics Luther vs. Zwingli in Marburg debate, 1529

7 Radical Reformers: Anabaptists
Broke from Zwingli in Switzerland (spread to Netherlands, Italy, Poland) Appealed to poor (Desire to return to early Christianity’s equality) Adult baptism Apocalyptic (the end is near) Did not accept government authority Became Mennonites

8 Radical Reformers: Anabaptists
Catholics & Protestants sought to root out these communities, became a crime punishable by death Munster Rebellion, Anabaptists capture city of Munster Shared property and possessions, polygamy Catholics & Lutherans storm city Turning point for Anabaptists Partition b/w pacifists and non-pacifists Menno Simons led the pacifists Separation from the world Mennonites

9 Calvinism Switzerland France German States Scotland Netherlands
John Calvin, ( ) France & Switzerland Switzerland France German States Scotland Netherlands

10 Calvinism Doctrine Studied Erasmus
Fled to Switzerland because Protestantism was being crushed in France (Francis I, Henry II) Reconciliation to God through doing his will Predestination, or Doctrine of Election Geneva  Consistory enforced strict religious policies Reformation Wall, Geneva

11 Persecution of Huguenots
French Calvinists Persecuted  burned at the stake, tongues cut off Fled across Europe To be continued…

12 Charles V Denounced Luther & Protestants Distracted by war with France
When Turks advanced, he appealed to Lutheran princes for help

13 Peace of Augsburg, 1555 After wars, tried to reconvert Protestants back to Catholicism Tried to reform Catholic churches, met with resistance Peace of Augsburg = Compromise Prince decides the religion of his territory


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