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The Book of Crisis Your personal guide to becoming successful at crisis Written and created by Park Dietz.

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1 The Book of Crisis Your personal guide to becoming successful at crisis Written and created by Park Dietz

2 What is Crisis? Crisis is a rapid pace style of debate where delegates are able to commit actions which have both repercussions and rewards. An example of a repercussion can be accidentally blowing up the world. An example of a reward is having your crisis arc match with the crisis arc of the committee. In crisis there is no speakers list, just lots of moderated caucus and unmoderated caucus. In crisis the only way to get things done is through directives, communiques, and press releases.

3 Crisis Arcs A crisis arc is basically the story line of the committee, each person has their own personal arc created by their personal directives, also called communiques, and there is the arc that is created by the committee as a whole. The arc that the whole committee creates is the rewards and repercussions of everyone's personal directives. If your crisis arc is with the crisis directors arc or the arc of the committee, you’re doing a good job. If your’s is drastically off from it, you should probably switch something up.

4 Your character In crisis committees you are usually assigned a character and are given a portfolio about some of his background and powers that you can use to influence your arc. STICK TO YOUR CHARACTER USE EVERYTHING THAT IS GIVEN TO YOUR CHARACTER, YOUR POWERS ARE GIVEN TO YOU FOR A REASON SO USE THEM

5 Group Directives In a normal committee, you only make one working paper to solve the one overall problem. Well guess what, now you need to be writing short forms of these babies non stop to counteract the problems that arise from each new crisis update. These plans need to be specific, the point, and easy to read because they need to be passed by majority. You will need a certain amount of sponsors to turn the paper in for voting process. This number will be determined by the dias.

6 Personal Directives Personal directives are your way to gain power and are your way to help the committee grow. BE SPECIFIC ABOUT EVERYTHING OR YOU WILL BE SCREWED. Seriously, they will write no back to you every time if you’re not specific or just doing something out of your power. These personal directives you can either keep secret or share with the committee. All of which is your choice. If you send in the same thing and the crisis directors reply no, drop it and move on. Sometimes the crisis directors will try to guide you as well, make sure you take note of their responses.

7 Press Releases This is an update that is given to the media to distributed to the public about what is going on in committee and what you want the public to know. It’s good to write press releases because it also gives you a time to get yourself updated on what is happening in the committee, and also calms the people of the world. Without knowledge of what you’re doing, the people can revolt. Make sure to define and isolate the problem, give only facts or lies depending on the situation, and write one to three key points about the crisis and what you're doing about it.

8 Friends… Enemies… Same thing.
In crisis it is good to make friends so you can use their resources when you need them. But friends are very dangerous because you have no idea what they are doing behind your back with their personal directives and notes. Enemies can be dangerous too, they can try to kill you or sabotage your plans. Be very careful with whom you trust.

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