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Priming the Mind for Solution Creation

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1 Priming the Mind for Solution Creation
Brief Therapy Conference, San Diego, 2016 Clifton Mitchell, Ph.D.

2 1. Define therapeutic resistance from a
Social Interaction Model 2. Briefly discuss the “change equation” 3. Explain Dominant Thought Theory 4. Relate to the priming research 5. Tie it all together, implications for the therapeutic dialogue and resistance management

3 Educational Objectives At the conclusion of this presentation participants will: 1. Be able to define what priming is and understand how and why it has such a significant impact on mental processing Be able to incorporate priming principles into the therapeutic dialogue in order to circumvent resistance and increase the impact of the therapeutic dialogue.

4 "Any client behavior that exhibits a reluctance, on the part of the client, to participate in the tasks of therapy as set forward by the therapist."

5 "…any behavior that indicates covert or overt opposition to therapist, the counseling process, or the therapist’s agenda."

6 "Resistance occurs as a result of a negative interpersonal dynamic between the counselor and the client" (Otani, 1989, p. 325).

7 "Resistance is defined as psychological forces aroused in the client that restrain acceptance of influence (acceptance of the counselor's suggestion) and are generated by the way the suggestion is stated and by the characteristics of the counselor stating it" (Strong and Matross, 1973, p. 26).

8 “Resistance is something that occurs only within the context of a relationship or a system.” Miller & Rollnick, 2002

9 least forceful. completely non-directive. indirectly suggest
least forceful completely non-directive indirectly suggest directly suggest provide advice/educate confront punitive force most forceful

10 Resistance is created when the method of delivering influence is mismatched with the client’s current propensity to accept the manner in which the influence is delivered.

11 “An effortless yielding of one’s agenda is a major signal to the client’s unconscious that here is a person I do not have to resist.” Ron Kurtz

12 "You do not have to want to stop your current behavior in order to change, you simply have to want something else more." Aldo Pucci

13 1. You do not like the status quo
1. You do not like the status quo pushes client less pleasant motivator but familiar state 2. You want something else more pulls client more pleasant but unfamiliar, threatening “Better a known devil than an unknown saint.”

14 The first rule of language is that all language is hypnotic
The first rule of language is that all language is hypnotic. All words and paralanguage influence.

15 The first rule of language is that all language is hypnotic
The first rule of language is that all language is hypnotic. All words and paralanguage influence. The second rudimentary point is that, if you are talking to another, you cannot, not manipulate.

16 The mind move you and your listener in the direction of the dominant thought, regardless of whether it is stated in the positive or the negative.

17 1. Define what you are currently doing. 2
1. Define what you are currently doing. 2. Define the positive opposite of what you are currently doing with much attention to a properly worded dominant thought. 3. Make a present-tense statement of you doing the desired behavior with the precisely worded dominant thought. 4. Repeat the present-tense statement to yourself times a day consistently across time. Give it 2-3 months, once formulated, consistency is the crucial!

18 Resistance creating: “You really are stubborn
Resistance creating: “You really are stubborn.” Better Yet: “At that point in time, you struggled to…be open…to other ideas.”

19 “At that point in time, you struggled to …(pause) be open… to other ideas.”

20 Priming refers to an increased sensitivity to certain stimuli due to prior experience. Priming occurs when an earlier stimulus influences response to a later stimulus. Priming can occur at the unconscious level or at a conscious level.

21 Subjects primed with words like “polite” “considerate” “respect” were less likely to interrupt than subjects primed with words like “rude” “obnoxious” “impolite”

22 Subjects primed with words like “old” “Florida” “wrinkles” “bingo” etc
Subjects primed with words like “old” “Florida” “wrinkles” “bingo” etc., all associated with elderly 1) walked slower after the priming, and, in similar study, if S had much contact w elderly 2) performed worse on a memory test than S primed with neutral words w little contact w elderly

23 The Results of Priming Subconscious Unconscious Gray Tusk Jungle
“Elephant” Large Elephant Jungle Gray Tusk Tarzan Trunk Gray Tusk Jungle Tarzan Trunk Large

24 We are controlled by an unconscious behavioral guidance system more than we think. And we are unaware of it. Once covertly activated, unconscious goals are more powerful or just as powerful as conscious goals. Goals do not require an act of will to be acquired.

25 What Does This Mean for the Therapeutic Dialogue. 1
What Does This Mean for the Therapeutic Dialogue? 1. Remember you are constantly priming your clients Consistently state the positive opposite of client’s negative framing of problems Use high level empathic responses that include deficit statements.

26 Empathic …and what you're looking for… Deficit Statement …and what you need… (include …and what you're searching for… content …and what you want is… and …and what you desire is… feeling) …and what you wish is… Deficit = what client is seeking worded in the positive Deficit = priming the client to a future goal/state Deficit = plant a potentially new dominant thought

27 What Does This Mean for the Therapeutic Dialogue. 1
What Does This Mean for the Therapeutic Dialogue? 1. Remember you are constantly priming your clients Consistently state the positive opposite of client’s negative framing of problems Use high level empathic responses that include deficit statements Use embedded suggestions/commands in your dialogue Carefully observe client reactions when prime clients Remember that your job is to plant seeds. Talk to the subconscious.

28 Therapy Model As Often Taught
Therapist Brings to Session Theories Techniques Multicultural Issues Developmental psych Drug & Alcohol Psychopathology Social & Other Systems Etc. Client Brings to Session Genetics Social Support Personality Traumas, etc. Cognitions Family of Origin Socioeconomic Status Etc. Many Assume Therapist’s Academic Knowledge Results In Client Change

29 Therapy Model As Actually Occurs
Therapist Brings to Session Theories Techniques Multicultural Issues Developmental psych Drug & Alcohol Psychopathology Social & Other Systems Etc. Client Brings to Session Genetics Social Support Personality Traumas, etc. Cognitions Family of Origin Socioeconomic Status Etc. Words, Linguistic Skills, Paralanguage, Assessment Of Impact of Method of Delivering Influence

30 A therapist is a communication, linguistic, and social interaction expert who is skilled at adapting his/her behavior relative to the client’s behavior in such a manner that it maximizes the potential for positive client change and growth.

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