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What factors shape our personality ?

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Presentation on theme: "What factors shape our personality ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What factors shape our personality ?
Innate? Learned? Goal oriented?

2 How Stable is Personality?

3 Biological Foundations of Traits
Level of arousal and motivation Moderate heritability of traits Genetic influences on neurotransmitters ( serotonin) Keywords:

4 Twin Studies Genetic Factors – 40 %
Non-Shared Environmental factors – 27 % Shared Environment- 7 % Error – 26 % Both twins shared 100 identical genes Each twin displays unique differences Jim (left) is more easygoing that John ( right)-plane late example How do genetic factors adjust to his or her own environment? Expreinecs that are shared include environmental factors-family. Socioeconomic status, religion etc.

5 Trait Theories Trait - a relatively stable predisposition to behave in a certain way Keywords: trait, trait theories


7 Trait Theories Surface traits - linked directly to a set of related behaviors Ex- Party Phenomenon Central traits - fundamental dimensions of personality Keywords: surface traits, central traits Graphics: fig pg. 565 of Gray

8 Factor Analysis Raymond Cattell 16 Personality Factors
How do we arrive at factors? Criticisms?


10 Big-Five Theory Openness to experience-nonopenness
Conscientiousness-undirectedness Extroversion-introversion Agreeable-Disagreeable Neuroticism-stability Open to novel experiences- Has narrow interests C- Is responsible and dependable or is impulsive and careless E- Is outgoing and decisive or is retiring and withdrawn A- Warm and good natured or is unfriendly and cold N- Is stable and not a worrier or is nervous and emotionally unstable

11 Ocean

12 The Social- Cognitive Personality
Julian Rotter Alfred Bandura

13 Social-Cognitive Perspective
Locus of Control proposed by Julian Rotter belief that rewards either are or are not controllable by one’s own efforts may be internal or external Keywords: Julian Rotter, locus of control

14 Social-Cognitive Perspective
Self-Efficacy/Reciprocal determinism Alfred Bandura Efficacy-belief about one’s ability to perform specific tasks can be high or low Ex- test example Reciprocal Determinism=Traits, environment and personal behavior interact ( loop) Ex: Brad the party boy Keywords: Albert Bandura, self-efficacy Graphics: pic. of Bandura pg. 497 Hockenbury

15 When is Brad going to get here?

16 BF Skinner Operant Conditioning-? Seligman- Learned Helplessness

17 Humanism Personality Theory
Abraham Maslow

18 Humanistic Perspective
Focuses on the human tendency to create belief systems and to govern our lives in accordance with these beliefs Phenomenological reality - one’s conscious understanding of his/her world Ideal vs. Real self list Keywords: humanistic perspective, phenomenological reality

19 Humanistic Perspective
Carl Rogers’s person-centered approach self-concept is central to personality conditional positive regard - love and praise is withheld unless one conforms to others’ expectations unconditional positive regard - accepting a person regardless of who they are or what they do Keywords: Carl Rogers, self-concept, conditional positive regard, unconditional positive regard Graphics: pic. Of Rogers pg. 592 Gray

20 Humanistic Perspective
Self-actualization needs Esteem needs Belongingness and love needs Safety needs Physiological needs Growth needs Deficiency needs Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs self-actualization - the realization of one’s dreams and capabilities Keywords: Abraham Maslow, hierarchy of needs, self-actualization Graphics: pic. of Maslow pg. 437 Myers

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