BEElieving in Yourself

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Presentation on theme: "BEElieving in Yourself"— Presentation transcript:

1 BEElieving in Yourself
Membership Recruitment by _____________________________ Region Training Conference 2017 Name, Position

2 Self Confidence Before you tell yourself you can’t do something tell yourself you can Don’t let someone talk you down. You know yourself better than others and you know that they're wrong A large part of being confident is being positive!

3 BEEing Positive Stop and think to yourself:
What is one amazing thing I’ve done the past week? Look at how much I’ve done since the beginning of the term Do something refreshing like going on a walk, taking a nap, going out for boba!

4 Risk Taking Risk taking can be a large part of believing in yourself and from taking risks, you learn what your own strengths are and how well you work under the certain conditions. Take risks Be mindful of the Positives and negatives of the risk before executing

5 Maintaining Motivation
It’s completely normal to have ups and downs Most times, outcomes will fall short of expectations No one can judge you but yourself You’re the only person stopping yourself from being the best you that you can be Keep a positive support system that will boost you up

6 Personal Goals Set at the beginning of the school year (or any time)
Develop different types of goals – academic, family, friends, etc. Make goals that help you grow as an individual Know that goals can take time to achieve! Reflect – self-reflect and ask family/friends Write goals on posters and post-it notes put them around your room & on your mirror to be reminded everyday

7 Treating Yourself Take a break! Go shopping – Retail Therapy Food
Window Shop Food Relax and take a deep breath, stretch Have a spa day – pamper yourself Play games and/or videogames Try something new!

8 Personal Experiences

9 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

10 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Dominique Soriano, Division 19 South Lt. Governor, Wencie Hoang, Division 26 North Lt. Governor, Marisa Wong, Division 44 North Lt. Governor, Christopher Kao, Division 19 South Lt. Governor, Kayla Kirsten, Division 3 South Lt. Governor, Johnny Chen, Member Relations Committee Chair, q

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