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Home Page - Can be customized by the user Clicking on preferences in the upper right allows you to customize you home page, this one is set to favorites.

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Presentation on theme: "Home Page - Can be customized by the user Clicking on preferences in the upper right allows you to customize you home page, this one is set to favorites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Objects Login Enter your user name and password, these are case sensitive.

2 Home Page - Can be customized by the user Clicking on preferences in the upper right allows you to customize you home page, this one is set to favorites. Clicking on preferences in the upper right allows you to customize you home page, this one I set to favorites.

3 Reports Folders This is the Public folder where the CLTS Report Templates are accessed

4 Copying a Template Report Select the report and then click on the organize drop down arrow select copy

5 Paste the Report to another folder Select another folder in your favorites or agency reports and click on the organize drop down arrow then select paste, now you can run the report and retrieve data based on you login ID role.

6 Existing Report Options User can view the existing report results, modify the report and query, schedule the report to run now or at a specific time or frequency, or create a new report.

7 After selecting Schedule you schedule now by clicking on schedule in the bottom right or on the left click on frequency and select now or another timeframe like weekly and it will run weekly on whatever day and time you choose.

8 When you schedule a report for now you will see this screen
When you schedule a report for now you will see this screen. Every time a schedule run occurs another version will appear.

9 This report has a date prompt will allows you to change the values of the dates used to return results in the report

10 Now the report has 2 instances because it had 2 scheduled runs so when you click on the Action arrow you view latest instance, history, or modify.

11 Click on New and select Web Intelligence Document (Webi) all the universes you have access to will appear.

12 Select a universe or data mart, I’m selecting the Test LTCare Encounter Data Mart Demo

13 You will see the name of the data mart and all the class folders
You will see the name of the data mart and all the class folders. Within the class folders are the objects.

14 You are now on the query page (you can also get here by selecting modify on a report and then edit query) you can select items from the class folders and apply conditions by drag and drop. Click on run query in the upper right.

15 These results are from the query for SPC.

16 The Query 1 has been renamed to SPC by right clicking on it and selecting rename. Click on add Query on the left above the objects and then choose a universe, select CLTS Claims Extract to merge with SPC from the first query.

17 The new query has been renamed and now you can run both queries on one query by selecting the arrow next to the Run Queries in the upper right hand.

18 Both queries have been run and the separate tabs are the results because the put results in separate report was selected

19 To merge the results click on the highlight icon (fourth from the end) and this window will appear.

20 Select the objects to merge on (must be common values to both queries) click merge and then click OK on the Edit Merged Dimension window.

21 You will now see a new dimension on the left called Prior Authorization Number with two objects. The are the two objects you chose to merge on.

22 Right click on one of the report tabs and then select insert report to create a new report using the merged dimension.

23 Now you can add details you wish to have in the merged results
Now you can add details you wish to have in the merged results. Click on Variable Editor (third icon from the left) type in the name you want to give it. Select Detail as the qualification and then select the merged dimension by clicking on the box next to the Associated Dimension.

24 In the formula box it will be blank, go to the data box on double click on the object you want (Funding Source Code Description) and then click OK

25 You will now see your detail object under the merged dimension Prior Authorization Number. Repeat the process for all the objects you want in a new merged report.

26 Create a new merged data report by adding a report
Create a new merged data report by adding a report. Right click on a reports tab and insert new report (rename it) and drag and drop your fields.

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