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1 ONE TIME PRINT SETUP To print Requisitions from Banner, follow this process once: Open Microsoft Excel, select (1) TOOLS, then (2) MACROS, then (3) SECURITY.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ONE TIME PRINT SETUP To print Requisitions from Banner, follow this process once: Open Microsoft Excel, select (1) TOOLS, then (2) MACROS, then (3) SECURITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ONE TIME PRINT SETUP To print Requisitions from Banner, follow this process once: Open Microsoft Excel, select (1) TOOLS, then (2) MACROS, then (3) SECURITY (1) (2) (3)

2 2 ONE TIME PRINT SETUP (cont.) Select the (1) MEDIUM Security Level and then click (2) OK 1 2

3 3 ONE TIME PRINT SETUP (cont.) At this point, EXIT out of Excel to close

4 4 MASTER REQUISITION TEMPLATE Go to the Business Office website, click on ADMINISTRATION

5 5 MASTER REQUISITION TEMPLATE (cont.) Scroll down to Div of Bus & Fin and click on BUSINESS OFFICE




9 9 MASTER REQUISITION TEMPLATE (cont) A window will open that looks like this

10 10 MASTER REQUISITION TEMPLATE (cont) In FILE NAME box, (1) rename the document as desired then click (2) SAVE to save to your hard drive (1)(2)

11 11 MASTER REQUISITION TEMPLATE (cont) A template has been saved to your computer hard drive under MY DOCUMENTS. Click on OPEN

12 12 MASTER REQUISITION TEMPLATE (cont) Click on ENABLE MACROS. (You’ll have to do this every time you open)

13 13 MASTER REQUISITION TEMPLATE (cont.) Your screen will look like this. The A1 cell should be selected as above. (DO NOT CHANGE FROM A1) Note the Self Service menu at the top.

14 14 MASTER REQUISITION TEMPLATE (cont.) Without making any changes to this screen, minimize it by clicking on the minimize button in the right top corner & we’ll begin. _

15 15 Creating a Requisition You Should Be Here From the Finance Menu, click on REQUISITION

16 16 Creating a Requisition Enter appropriate fields or retrieve an existing template. NOTE: Transaction date represents when the reservation of funds will be posted to your account.

17 17 A Lookup table of various codes is available on this form: (FOR EXAMPLE) Scroll down to the bottom of the form to CODE LOOKUP & click on the drop down arrow next to TYPE, select VENDOR

18 18 Put a portion of the vendor’s name in (1) Title Criteria box followed by a % (wildcard) and click on (2) EXECUTE QUERY (2) (1)

19 19 Code Lookup Results will appear at the top of the form. Either type in the Vendor ID or copy & paste it in the box. Click on VENDOR VALIDATE. NOTE: A vendor is NOT required to be entered on the Requisition. It was used here as an example of the lookup function for training purposes.

20 20 Creating a Requisition (cont.) Use the Comments box to input your MTSU P.O. Box # for Purchasing

21 21 Creating a Requisition (cont.) Additional information may be entered here for processing

22 22 Creating a Requisition (cont.) Enter desired information, click on SAVE to exit back to Requisition form.

23 23 Creating a Requisition (cont.) Click on (EXIT DOCUMENT/ITEM TEXT PAGE) to return to Requisition Form

24 24 Creating a Requisition (cont.) Clicking on blue Item # will also allow for added information on each line item

25 25 Creating a Requisition (cont.) Add additional information, click on SAVE & EXIT DOCUMENT to return to form

26 26 Creating a Requisition (cont.) The account distribution may be split by $$ or %

27 27 Creating a Requisition (cont.) More than one account may be charged on any requisition NOTE: Do NOT use $$ signs in any of the input fields.

28 28 Creating a Requisition (cont.) When you enter the (1) INDEX, you’ll need to click on (2) VALIDATE to populate the FOP, then enter the (3) ACCOUNT number (1) (2) (3)

29 29 Creating a Requisition (cont.) When all relevant fields have been entered, click the COMPLETE button. NOTE: You can’t leave this form “In Process”; it must be completed.

30 30 Creating a Requisition (cont.) Scroll back up to top to review for error messages, if any. This is where you’ll find the document number assigned to the requisition. Make a note of this number for your files.

31 31 Creating a Requisition (cont.) Select MENU to return to the Finance Menu

32 32 Viewing Document From the Finance Menu in Banner, Select VIEW DOCUMENT

33 33 Viewing Document (cont.) Enter the requisition number in the (1) DOCUMENT NUMBER field then click on (2) VIEW DOCUMENT (2) (1)

34 34 Viewing Document (cont.) View the information entered for this requisition. The Requisition can NOT be updated once completed.

35 35 Printing Requisition from View Click on EDIT then SELECT ALL to copy the Requisition for printing

36 36 Printing Requisition from View Next click on EDIT then COPY

37 37 Printing Requisition from View Have open & minimized your Excel Master Requisition Template

38 38 Open your Requisition Template to the SELF SERVICE spreadsheet and be sure the A1 cell is still selected.

39 39 Click on EDIT and PASTE to pull copied Requisition information from Banner

40 40 The Requisition entered on Banner will be copied to Excel for printing. Don’t worry about how the spreadsheet looks at this point.

41 41 Select the SELF SERVICE menu at the top right & click on REVIEW AND PRINT REQUISITION

42 42 Printing the Requisition The Requisition is now ready for printing and the approval process

43 43 Printing the Requisition Select FILE then PRINT from the menu

44 44 Printing the Requisition Then select OK from the next window for printing to begin

45 45 Saving the Requisition Select FILE then SAVE AS (be sure to rename the file so you can identify it later) to save this form to your computer (DON’T SAVE OVER YOUR TEMPLATE)

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