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The Reformation Idea that the church needed to be reformed (or fixed) as people began to question some key points/issues Problems (church) 2) Reactions.

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Presentation on theme: "The Reformation Idea that the church needed to be reformed (or fixed) as people began to question some key points/issues Problems (church) 2) Reactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reformation Idea that the church needed to be reformed (or fixed) as people began to question some key points/issues Problems (church) 2) Reactions (reformers) 3) Response (church)

2 The Renaissance  Reformation
Renaissance promoted (to a point) secularism. - focus on worldly matters as opposed to religious matters (separation of religion and politics) At times, Humanism can be in conflict with early Christian teachings. - focus on “man as the measure of all things”, not religion Many of the rediscovered Greco/Roman ideas and texts conflicted with Christianity. - nudity in art, art and stories of “pagan” beliefs, etc.

3 Christian Humanism Combines Humanism with Christian beliefs, but differs with early Church protocol and beliefs causing problems. *** Philosophy of Christ : focus on showing people how to live good lives (Christ-like) as opposed to acts of faith. Focus on inward piety (man focused) through reading and reflecting on classics and Christian texts. (traditional Priest’s roles challenged ) Erasmus’s The Praise and Folly essentially, the SNL or The Daily Show of the their day.

4 Key Early Christian Church ideas that will be challenged
Indulgences & Purgatory - purchasing “Papal approved” papers to reduce time in Purgatory Relics and Pilgrimages (i.e. good deeds) - Bones, items, etc. that belonged to saints that could grant “specialness” - Trips taken by people to suffer and cleanse soul to prove piousness Salvation and how one achieves it - forgiveness can only be granted by the Church  priest who assigns penance to wayward soul

5 Luther… Lutheranism begins (1st Western Protestant religion)
Monk = translates and writes bibles fairly regularly i.e. he has read the Bible a few times Writes 95 Thesis : Indulgences & Purgatory - worthless & nature its is mysterious Relics and Pilgrimages (i.e. good deeds) - worthless/unreal and proves nothing Salvation and how one achieves it - Justification by Faith (alone) Lutheranism begins (1st Western Protestant religion)

6 Result of having religious choice : Protestantism
Luther called before Diet of Worms (promised safe passage) and he refuses to recant. Peasants see Luther’s “rebellion” against the Pope as an inspiration to rebel against oppressive authority (German princes). Luther sides with Princes (who protect him from Pope), peasants crushed brutally. Peace of Augsburg : peace between Catholics and Lutherans (stops Catholic crusades and persecution… or does it)

7 Other Protestant religions…
Think about a crack in a windshield or mug. - 2nd break : Calvinism Plain white churches (no décor and such) Scripture readings, prayers and sermons emphasized Justification by Faith Predestination (omnipotent/omniscient God) Geneva, Switzerland (Protestant = Vatican City) Religiously motivated

8 Other Protestant religions…
- 3rd break : Church of England Henry VIII and issues with a male heir Refused an annulment by the Pope Breaks with Church Act of Supremacy of 1534 (King is head of Church) Serious of divorces that result in Six wives and two children. Politically motivated

9 Anabaptists (and others)
Many other breaks will come from groups that interpret the bible to mean something slightly different. Ex. Anabaptists will reject “original sin” and only baptize adults. Also, support separation of church and state. Heavily persecuted by ALL and flee to Americas

10 The Catholic Reformation
Protestantism seems impossible to stop. Catholic Church decides to take a look at itself and make a change. 1. Society of Jesus (Jesuits) : Ignatius Loyola 2. Reform the Papacy 3. Council of Trent (1545) - reaffirmed Catholicism - faith & good works - selling indulgences forbidden (still around)

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