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Objective: Causes of WWII

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1 Objective: Causes of WWII
Today we will analyze the roles of various alliances among nations and their leaders in the conduct and outcomes of the World War II D.11.A

2 WWII Big Picture The Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI created an uneasy peace. Amid postwar instability, Great Britain and France avoided conflict, and the United States sought to isolate itself from Europe’s troubles. Meanwhile, however, Germany, Italy, and Japan fell under the sway of leaders promising order and glory. Their aggressions would lead into WWII, a conflict that pitched the Axis Powers against the Allies.

3 The Road to World War II Rise of Dictators

4 Europe During the Great Depression: The global depression resulted in totalitarian government coming to power in Europe Stalin Hitler Franco Mussolini

5 Soviet Union Joseph Stalin took over Soviet Union after Lenin dies (Communism) Wanted rapid industrialization and farming development – 5 million peasant farmers sent to labor camps Industrial and military buildup grew while millions died of starvation

6 Italy Benito Mussolini promised to end strikes and economic depression from WWI Fascism – Emphasizes the importance of nation or ethnic group and superiority of the leader Wanted to rebuild Roman Empire – Focused on industrial and military growth “Black Shirt” supporters used terror and torture to gain power – outlawed all opposition

7 Spain General Francisco Franco led a military overthrow of the elected government Franc’s military gained control of Spain in 1939 and established a Fascist dictatorship

8 Germany Nazism – form of fascism, wanted purification of the Aryan race (blonde, blue –eyed Germans) and the superiority of Germany in the world Adolph Hitler joined Nazi Party in 1919 and tried to overthrow government in 1923 (went to prison) Wrote popular book, Mein Kampf, blaming Jews for Germany’s problems and claiming the Treaty of Versailles unfair to Germans

9 Germany Hitler took power of Germany as Chancellor in 1933 – used “brown shirts” (Nazi storm troopers) to silence opponents Starts to rebuild empire and military that was taken away after WWI –a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles

10 All 4 governments are: Totalitarianism -Total government control over a nation – suppress individual rights and opponents **The common feature of totalitarian regimes that came to power after WWI, was that they depended on the use of violence** Write this down!

11 FDR’s Good neighbor policy
FDR’s policy of not being intrusive to neighbors and just being a “good neighbor.” Good Neighbor specifically applied to Latin America United States pledged not to intervene in Latin America.

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