Integrated Strategies to Tackle Climate Change

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Strategies to Tackle Climate Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Strategies to Tackle Climate Change
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Integrated Strategies to Tackle Climate Change Marek Belka Executive Secretary UNECE 1

2 Summer 2003 – exceptionally hot for Europe
Portugal France UNECE Italy 2



5 We are taking or planning action to meet the future challenge.
UNECE is aware of the threats from a changing climate both to its member States and to the world at large. We are taking or planning action to meet the future challenge. But we do this with due consideration for sustainability and other priorities in the region. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE 5

6 Sustainable energy and climate change mitigation means addressing a range of policies that tackle, for example, energy efficiency, clean technology and use of renewable resources. Policies need to extend from the energy sector to transport, land management and beyond. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE 6

7 Such policies cut across many aspects of daily life so they are a challenge for all ECE countries – both developed and developing UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE 7

8 Environment for Europe poster
Dieter’s conclusions

9 The holistic approach is important to avoid mistakes when meeting the desired goals. Some policies may have pitfalls in other areas. For example, wood is a good renewable energy source but without clean technology air pollution (fine particles) will increase. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE 9

10 Loss of life expectancy (in months)
Due to fine particles from man-made sources WHO European Centre for Environment and Health WHO European Centre for Environment and Health The concern about particulate matter has received high profile from the World Health Organization that has been working with the Convention’s integrated assessment modellers to calculate the possible impacts of fine particles. Here we see two scenarios, one for 1990 and the other calculated for 2010 with the full implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol. Clearly the Gothenburg Protocol will bring about marked improvements if it is fully implemented, but even so there will still be areas where life expectancy on average will be reduced by several months or even more than one year. And this is the average. For vulnerable members of the populations life expectancy will be reduced by much more. The concern about particulate matter has led the Convention to set up an expert group specifically to consider how we might deal with PM controls in a future protocol. 2000 2010 Source:EMEP & IIASA 10

11 Combined strategies, e.g. energy efficient housing, can
UNECE is stressing the need to integrate policies, for energy, transport, climate change, air pollution, etc Many policies are linked, e.g. pollution and greenhouse gases - from the same sources, sometimes the same gases. Combined strategies, e.g. energy efficient housing, can cost less overall and solve more than one problem. 11 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE

12 UNECE is very active in the fight to mitigate the effects of the region’s economic development on climate change. We are doing this through our work in diverse areas such as air pollution, water resources, transport, energy, housing, timber and biomass. Improved integration will best ensure that policies are complementary and sustainable. UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE 12

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