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Honors and Awards Report

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1 Honors and Awards Report
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Honors and Awards Report Mark Bowman NPEC Awards Chair N16-02

2 Recap of Previous Actions Taken:
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Recap of Previous Actions Taken: Determined available awards that are reasonably achievable for NPEC along with award criteria and nomination deadline. Met with awards coordinators, managers, and administrators: IEEE Kerry Ann Ward, Sr. Manager – IEEE Awards IEEE-SA Melissa Aranzamendez, Sr. Administrator – IEEE-SA PES Jeff Nelson, PES Awards Chair Submitted applications for Committee and WG Chair Awards

3 Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
Recap of N16-01 Awards: PES: Technical Committee Distinguished Service Award (J. Perensky) PES Tech Council: Outgoing Committee Chair Award (D. Gladey, SC-4) IEEE-SA: WG Chair Award (B. Lord, Std )

4 Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
Actions Taken for N16-02: Participation on PES Tech Council Awards Committee Learning Experience (better understanding of PES award process) Participated in: Outstanding Technical Report, Outstanding Standard/Guide, Distinguished Service Award, Young Professional Award, Technical Committee of the Year Developed a comprehensive plan to take advantage of the many award opportunities from IEEE, IEEE-SA, PES, and PES Tech Council Year-round recurring schedule, coordinated with NPEC meetings

5 (likely to occur, we decide)
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Continual Awards (likely to occur, we decide)

6 PES Technical Committee Awards (ours, we just choose)
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee PES Technical Committee Awards (ours, we just choose) Outgoing Committee / Subcommittee Chair Award* to recognize the contributions of outgoing committee and subcommittee chairs for service to the committee. Anytime Technical Committee WG Recognition Award one Working Group to be recognized for outstanding performance. Due November 14 Technical Committee Distinguished Service Award for outstanding distinguished individual service. This personal recognition acknowledges the efforts of those individuals whose sustained performance, over many years and/or has contributed to the advancement of the committee technology Due November 14 Technical Committee Prize Paper Award to the author(s) of an outstanding technical paper. Due December 31 * Multiple recipients allowed

7 IEEE-SA Awards (we just choose)
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee IEEE-SA Awards (we just choose) WG Chair Award* for leadership in the development of standards by IEEE-SA Working Group participants Anytime, upon Std approval, weeks lead time International Joint WG Chair Award* to acknowledge contributions made between IEEE and either ISO, IEC, or ISO/IEC during the development of a standard Anytime, upon Std approval, weeks lead time * Multiple recipients allowed

8 Once in a While Awards (nomination process)
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Once in a While Awards (nomination process)

9 IEEE Awards (we nominate, they choose)
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee IEEE Awards (we nominate, they choose) Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award for exceptional contributions to the development and/or advancement of standards in electrical and electronics engineering. Due January 31 IEEE-SA Awards (we nominate, they choose) Standards Medallion Award* for major contributions to the development of standards (e.g. leadership in standardization of new technologies, achievement of standards development goals, identification pf opportunities to better serve the needs of standards users Due July 31 Lifetime Achievement Award* for significant technical contributions to a standards committee or their IEEE field of interest. Due July 31 International Award* for extraordinary contribution to establishing the IEEE-SA as a world-class leader in standardization. Due July 31 * Multiple recipients allowed

10 PES Awards (we nominate, they choose)
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee PES Awards (we nominate, they choose) WG Recognition Award – Standard* Working Group to be recognized for outstanding performance as related to a standard Due November 14 Prize Paper Award* to the author(s) of an outstanding technical paper. Due December 31 * Multiple recipients allowed

11 PES Technical Council Awards (we nominate, they choose)
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee PES Technical Council Awards (we nominate, they choose) Technical Committee of the Year Recognizes technical committee that has had an active, impactful year in promoting and advancing the technical influence and value of PES. due March 29, must submit our NPEC Annual Report to PES by January 31 to be considered Service Award* Recognizes a committee member who has consistently "gone the extra mile" in contributing to PES. due March 29 * Multiple recipients allowed

12 Links: Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
IEEE Awards IEEE-SA Awards PES Awards PES Technical Council Awards PES Technical Committee Awards

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