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Berger Synagogue Network for Engaging Families with Young Children

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Presentation on theme: "Berger Synagogue Network for Engaging Families with Young Children"— Presentation transcript:

1 Berger Synagogue Network for Engaging Families with Young Children
Partnering with Lori Rubin / Director, Family Engagement

2 Hello and welcome! Once we get started, I’m going to ask each of you to introduce yourself to the group. Please share: your name your congregation and role During the webinar I welcome you to ask questions and make comments. Let’s imagine that we are all sitting together conversing. Put your feet up, relax, and let the ideas flow. This webinar is going to be recorded. Thank you and, once again, welcome. I’m so glad that you are joining us today. Lori Rubin

3 Agenda Welcome/Introductions Limmud What we can learn from jkidphilly
jkidphilly Partnering Information Q & A / Sharing

4 The Harold and Renee Berger Synagogue Network for Young Families was established in 2008 by Judge Berger to encourage and support congregations interested in developing and implementing significant, systemic approaches to attract and engage Jewish families with young children to their congregation and to Jewish life.

5 Limmud Shammai taught: Make a fixed time for study; say little and do much; and greet each person with a cheerful face. Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) 1:15 Questions to consider: What does this text say about engaging families? How do you listen to what families are seeking? How does your congregation greet each person?

6 Family Engagement is about BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS
For those of us in the inside, we already feel connected. When others walk in, they might not feel that way. We think once they enter the doors, we are welcoming, but are we? A look at a walk through. In your work, what are the relationships you are involved with building/nurturing/strengthening?

7 What do we know about our families?
 How do we find families? What do we know about our families? Families with young children today want their children to engage in high-quality social and educational activities. Parents want these experiences to be consistent with their values, lifestyle, and need for flexibility. Social networks play an important role in parental decision making. Parents’ choices are often influenced by friends. They seek recommendations from peers and go where their friends go. People don’t change their schedules to participate. Nap, school, and work schedules almost always trump participation. Convenience is key. People don’t like to leave the comfort of their neighborhoods to participate. “Destination” activities are the exception.

8 What have we learned from our Berger Congregations?
An increasing number of congregations are interested in this work. This cohort is the largest we have had since the inception of the program. Many congregations implement Shabbat based programs/activities. Success is indicated when families build relationships with other families and increase their Shabbat observance/participation. Offering family engagement experiences on Sundays is helpful for building relationships with both working and non-working parents. Incorporating young families into the congregation through intergenerational programming can be a great way to build congregational community. As volunteer bases dwindle, involving “empty nesters” in preparing and facilitating some of these programs for young families can be helpful on multiple levels.  

9 Why offer a jkidphilly partner program?
jkidphilly brand jkidphilly marketing support Reach new families

10 How to offer a jkidphilly partner program:
A Representative must be on this webinar OR A representative must listen to the recording. jkidphilly partner program ideas must be registered on this form. Each form must be to us 6 weeks prior to the event. We will put these programs on the jkidphilly calendar We will add these programs to our jkidphilly e-blast. jkidphilly will provide a registration link for your use. We will share the attendance data with your congregation. jkidphilly logo must be used on all publicity. Any social media blast about a partnered program should be shared on jkidphilly Facebook page. Berger Initiatives can also be jkidphilly partner programs. They are not mutually exclusive. Congregations can hold an unlimited number jkidphilly partner programs as long as they are open to the public. Follow up after this webinar will include thejkidphilly partner guidelines along with the attendance form and the jkid logo

11 Additional thoughts/questions

12 Director, Family Engagement Jewish Learning Venture 215-320-0402
Contact Information Lori Rubin Director, Family Engagement Jewish Learning Venture

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