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Chapter 10 & 11, Christianity & islam

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1 Chapter 10 & 11, Christianity & islam

2 Chapter 10, Section 1, the first christians

3 Left over from the kingdom of Israel were the people of Judah
Left over from the kingdom of Israel were the people of Judah. They scattered throughout Europe and parts of Asia. The Jews of Judah (later called Judaea by the Romans) had some conflict with the Romans. Eventually they were forced out to other parts of the world and spread Judaism wherever they went. Early israelites

4 The life of jesus During Roman times, Jews had hoped God would send a messiah or deliverer of their freedom. A Jew named Jesus left his home of Nazareth and began preaching through Judaea and Galilee. He soon assembled a small band of 12 followers called disciples. Jesus preached that God was his Father and that he was coming soon to rule the world. He taught people that it was important to rid themselves of sin and to love God and love their neighbor. Jesus would use parables, or events from everyday life to express spiritual ideas.

5 Crucifixion & resurrection
Jesus and his message drew strong responses. His followers believed he healed the sick, performed miracles and that he was the messiah. Other Jews rejected him and called him a deceiver. Roman rulers feared the effects of Jesus’ preaching. In A.D. 33 Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. In an event known as the Last Supper, Jesus celebrated with his 12 disciples. Leaders of Jerusalem arrested Jesus. Charged him with treason and crucified him. After his death, his followers announced that Jesus had risen from the dead. These reports of his resurrection led to a new religion called Christianity.

6 Jesus’ disciples spread the message of Jesus to Greek-speaking cities of the eastern Mediterranean.
Jesus was referred to Christians as Jesus Christ. The word “Christ” comes from Christos, a Greek word for messiah. Apostles or early Christian leaders were chosen by Jesus to spread his message. Simon Peter the apostle went to Rome after the death of Jesus and helped set up a church there. Today the leader of Catholics Christians reside in Rome The first christians

7 Chapter 10, Section 2 & 3, the Christian church & spread of Christian ideas

8 Christians believed that if they accepted Jesus and his teachings, they will gain salvation.
Salvation- Saved by sin and allowed to enter heaven. During the 100 years that followed the death of Jesus, Rome adopted Christianity. Christianity attracted followers because it gave meaning to people’s lives. It reached out to the poor and powerless and gave them hope and comfort.

9 The Pope became head of the Roman Catholic Church in the West.
In the East, the Roman Empire continued into the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantines developed their own form of Christianity. It was based on their Greek heritage and was known as the Eastern Orthodox Church.

10 Chapter 11, Islamic civilization, section 1, the rise of islam

11 muhammad In A.D. 570 a man named Muhammad was born in Mekkah.
He became a caravan leader and a successful merchant., but was still dissatisfied. He thought people should honor their families, be fair in business and help the poor. Muhammad went into the hills to meditate. He was then visited by an angel that told him to preach Islam. Islam- Surrendering to the will of Allah. Allah is the Arabic word for “God”.

12 Islam Muhammad returned to Makkah and told people to destroy statues of false gods and to worship Allah, the one true God. In Islam, all people were equal. The poor of Makkah liked this message. Wealth was not as important as leading a good life. On the Day of Judgment, God would reward good people and punish evildoers. Wealthy merchants and religious leaders did not like Muhammad’s message, they thought he was trying to take away their power.

13 Muhammad and his followers moved north to Yathrib
Muhammad and his followers moved north to Yathrib. The journey there is known as the Hijrah which means “breaking off relationships”. They renamed the city “Madinah” or “The city of prophet”. Muhammad created the Islamic state of government that uses it’s political power to uphold Islam. He required all Muslims to place loyalty to the Islamic state above loyalty to their tribe. Muhammad built an army to defend his new government. In A.D. 630 his soldiers conquered Makkah. Two years later Muhammad died, and Islam was spread to all of Arabia.

14 The Quran Muhammad wrote down the messages he received from Allah in the Quran or holy book of Islam. God’s written word, strive to follow the Quran. Muslims are expected to fulfill the five Pillars of Islam, or acts of worship, as well as a law code that covers all areas of daily life.


16 Chapter 11, Section 3- Muslim Way of Life

17 Men and women had different roles:
Trade helped the leading Muslim cities grow. Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus were not only on the trade route but they were also important centers for government, learning and the arts. Muslim cities had major buildings like palaces and mosques. Mosque- Muslim houses of worship. They also served as schools, courts, and centers for learning. Men and women had different roles: Men ran government, society and business. Women helped run Muslim families. Many places had laws that women were required to cover their faces and wear long robes in public. Hijab- Garment that covers head and face. Some women today wear hijab and some do not. Others believe it allowed for them to be judged for themselves and not their bodies.

18 Math, Science, & art Muslims invented algebra. They also borrowed the symbols 0 through 9. They are known as Arabic numerals. Muslims developed a system for categorizing animal, mineral, or vegetable. Muslim doctor discovered that blood circulates and understood how diseases spread from person to person. Muslims wrote famous works such as “The Thousand and One Nights” and “The Arabian Nights”.

19 Scheherazade scheherazade/

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