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Please turn in your Conditioning Experiment Handout

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Presentation on theme: "Please turn in your Conditioning Experiment Handout"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please turn in your Conditioning Experiment Handout
Psych DMA Please take out a piece of paper and complete the following: 1. Write down the vocabulary word and definition. 2. Choose ONE of these options and complete it. Draw a picture that illustrates/explains the vocabulary word. Rewrite the definition in your own words. Write a sentence that includes the term and the information from the definition. Gender The sex of an individual: male or female. The behavioral, cultural or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. Please turn in your Conditioning Experiment Handout

2 Today’s Agenda DMA/turn in Conditioning Exper. Gender Roles
Stereotypes Toys/reinforcement

3 Gender

4 Gender Quiz Females have fewer genetic defects and have greater endurance than men. True 2. The front part of the brain is more developed in males than in females. False 3. Males have a natural ability to handle mathematics better than females. 4. Males are more oriented toward achievement than females

5 Gender Quiz 5. Women seem to have a special, natural ability to take care of children – some might call it a “maternal instinct”. False 6. Only females experience monthly hormonal changes. 7. When is comes to choosing a mate, men and women look for the same characteristics. 8. People with very strong gender identities are generally more psychologically healthy than people who engage in both masculine and feminine activities.

6 What are some behaviors that the opposite gender “gets away with”?

7 “Sex” versus “Gender” “Sex” “Gender” Biological factors Social roles
Chromosomes Hormones Genitalia “Gender” Social roles Stereotypes Expectations

8 Gender Roles Female Tendency to be primary caregivers
Biological factors (lactation and gestation) contribute. Children play with different toys Infant girls tend to recognize faces better than boys Occupations Nurse, teacher, secretary, caregiver, etc…

9 Gender Roles Male More aggressive and confrontational
Biological factor – testosterone is linked to aggression. Toys Infant boys tend to recognize objects more. Occupations Plumber, soldier, construction worker, etc…

10 Create a list of adjectives for women (what they are “supposed” to be like) …And another list for what men are “supposed” to be like.

11 Gender Roles At birth – males and females have virtually the same abilities. In the delivery room: Boys are more often described as strong, smart, capable… Girls are more often described as beautiful, delicate, sweet…

12 Gender Stereotypes MALE Active Adventurous Confident Aggressive
Arrogant Capable Coarse Conceited Pleasure-seeking Quick Confident Courageous Cruel Determined Disorderly Individualistic Inventive Loud Obnoxious Opinionated

13 Gender & Media

14 Gender Stereotypes Female Affectionate Excitable Appreciative Fearful
Cautious Charming Dependent Dreamy Emotional Nervous Patient Pleasant Excitable Fearful Fickle Foolish Forgiving Fussy Gentle Imaginative Modest

15 Gender & Media

16 Gender Stereotypes Male Rational Robust Realistic Sharp-witted
Reckless Resourceful Rigid Tough Unscrupulous Robust Sharp-witted Show-off Steady Stern Stingy

17 Gender & Media

18 Gender Stereotypes Female Sensitive Superstitious Sexy Talkative
Softhearted Sophisticated Submissive Suggestible Superstitious Talkative Timid Touchy Unambitious Understanding Weak

19 What toys did you play with when you were a child?

20 Gender & Toys

21 Gender & Toys

22 Gender & Toys

23 Gender & Toys

24 Gender & Toys

25 Gender & Toys

26 Gender & Toys

27 Gender & Toys

28 Gender & Toys

29 Gender & Toys

30 Gender & Toys

31 Gender & Toys What would a parent’s reaction be if his/her son wanted to play with dolls? Or a girl who wanted to play sports?

32 Gender & Toys Usually it is more acceptable for girls to play with “boy” toys than for boys to play with “girl” toys. Androgyny – have some qualities from each gender role. The qualities associated with the male gender role are often rewarded in both genders.

33 Gender & Toys Generally toys are divided into three groups that reflect and reinforce societal gender roles Boys: trucks, construction equipment, tools, weapons, robots… Girls: dolls, kitchen sets, make-up, dress-up kits, grooming/beauty… Both: puzzles, blocks, markers…

34 Gender & Toys Children are directed toward gender role specific behavior with the toys they play with. Parents purchase and reward children for playing with gender appropriate toys. Girls – cooking, fashion, childcare, grooming Boys – being active, being tough, building things, being aggressive.

35 Gender & Household Duties
What chores does your Mom complete? What does your Dad do around the house? What chores do you have? What do your sisters/brothers do around the house?

36 Gender Roles Doctrine of Two Spheres… Societal expectations
Man’s sphere is the world beyond the home. Men expect verbal recognition when they complete household duties. Woman’s sphere is the home. Children’s chores may reflect this doctrine.

37 Gender & Media What are some examples of gender role expectations on TV, in magazines, movies, etc…?

38 Gender & Media

39 Gender and Media TV Movies Sitcoms usually reinforce gender roles
Mom doing laundry, concerned about the children. Dad working or being loud / funny. Plot lines that defy gender roles are often viewed as being funny. Movies Damsel in distress Strong, authoritarian males “Token” characters may defy gender roles.

40 Gender & Media Media tends to reflect/reinforce gender roles.
Doctrine of two spheres. Commercials…. TV - Sitcoms usually reinforce gender roles Movies

41 Philosophical Chairs Pick a side of the room that corresponds with your opinion. Be prepared to share your opinion You can simply express your opinion and/or respond to someone’s argument from the opposite side. You may switch sides (if your opinion changes and/or someone says something compelling).

42 Females are much more emotional than males.

43 Some jobs are better suited for males; some are better suited for females.

44 Most men would not want a woman boss

45 Females worry more than males, especially about the little things.

46 Females gossip more than males.

47 Males deal better with major crises.

48 Women do a better job of taking care of children than men.

49 Most men would feel uncomfortable if their wives earned more money.

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