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KFS Cardiometer-MT portable 12-channel electrocardiograph;

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1 KFS-01.001 Cardiometer-MT portable 12-channel electrocardiograph;
automated ECG interpretation; support for Internet telemetry of ECG; cloud data processing and storage; ability to provide remote consultations.

The history of company MICARD-LANA began in It took only four years for engineers of a young enterprise to start serial production of the first computer ECG analyzer with 95% myocardial infarction diagnostics accuracy. Then there were decades of scientific researches and fruitful work to create five generations of complexes systems for cardiac function study. In 2011 a new technology of telemetry control and ECG Self-check was developed by CJSC MICARD-LANA in cooperation with the V. A. Almazov Federal Center for Heart, Blood and Endocrinology and St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

3 System’s structure KFS Cardiometer-MT is 12-channel electrocardiograph with automated interpretation and support for Internet telemetry of resting ECG that includes: ECG registration device (ERD); communication device with the Physician’s workspace software or ECG Self-check (for mobile phone, smartphone or computer with Internet access); Cardioserver with ECG processing software;

4 System’s operation scheme
ECG registration device (ERD) - records electropotentials of the heart and transforms them into digital format; communication device with the Physician’s workspace software or ECG Self-check (for mobile phone, smartphone or computer with Internet access) - receives the data from ERD via Bluetooth interface and transfers it to the Cardioserver by the Internet; cardioserver (cloud server) - receives the ECG, processes and stores the obtained data. The processed results are transferred to communication devices and accessible to the consulting physicians. На схеме нет врачей

5 Purpose and scope of application
The system with a computer: It is recommended for resting ECG test in functional diagnostics divisions division in hospitals and clinics, offices of general practitioners, feldsher-midwife stations; for remote patient consultations with doctors in diagnostic clinical centers. Complex with a smartphone It is recommended for ECG recording by general practitioners (district doctors) from polyclinics during regular visits and at-home patient visits, emergency physicians, nurses and doctors in hospital chambers and general medical and preventive treatment facilities. Complex with a mobile phone: It is intended to be given to patients for ECG self-recording.

6 System’s software The system software has different functions depending on the communication device being used. 1.The Physician’s workspace for PC is software for ECG recording, digital archive maintenance, telemetry control and remote consultations. 2. The Physician’s workspace for Android OS is software for the complex operation outside a medical office. 3. The ECG Self-check software is software for independent ECG recording whenever and wherever you are.

7 System for PC and the Physician’s workspace software
Main functions: registration of doctors and patients; patient database maintenance and patient acquisition archives; ECG recording and visualization in 12 standard leads; browsing of a preliminary automated conclusion normal – subnormal – pathological and automatic syndromal conclusion; visualization of the typical cardiocycles, rhythm leads and measured medical ECG characteristics; analysis of the ECG dynamics; editing of the automatic syndromal conclusion; printing of ECG diagrams from 12 leads, typical cardiocycles, rhythm leads, measured medical characteristics and physician’s conclusion; control of the equipment functionality and electrode placement accuracy; a complex distributing master; ECG registration and storage in the computer memory if there is no Internet connection (offline mode).

8 measured ECG amplitude-time parameters
The windows of the Physician’s workspace software for PC 12 leads of ECG main window measured ECG amplitude-time parameters ECG dynamics

9 Using the system on PC In the functional diagnostics divisions in hospitals and polyclinics: The Cardiometer-MT can be used as a stationary electrocardiograph with automated interpretation. The unified archive of ECG is accessible to all doctors, thus the ECG recording can be done in any room. In the clinics (except functional diagnostics divisions), feldsher-midwife stations, out-patient departments: Feldsher-midwife stations, out-patient departments, policlinics without a staff cardiologist have an opportunity not only to receive the automated report on the recorded electrocardiograms, but also to consult remotely in the district, city or regional cardiology centers by means of the complex. The complex is also convenient in case of outside professional acquisitions at enterprises or medical acquisitions at schools. Remote consultation center: The software can form a basis for remote consultation centers in medical institutions to carry out ECG consultations of other medical and preventive treatment facilities and patients who have the Cardiometer-MT. It enough to organize a workspace of the consulting physician by installing a free Physician’s workspace software to a computer connected to the Internet.

10 The system with a smartphone and the Physician’s workspace software for Android OS devices
Main functions: ECG recording and visualization in 12 standard leads; viewing of a preliminary automated conclusion normal – subnormal – pathological and automatic syndromal conclusion; results storage in the Cardioserver database; viewing of the patient database and their acquisition archives; keeping a local ECG archive; control of the equipment functionality and electrode placement accuracy; saving the ECG in the phone memory if there is no Internet connection.

11 12 leads of ECG monitoring
The windows of the Physician’s workspace software for a smartphone main window automated report 12 leads of ECG monitoring ECG archive

12 Using the system with a smartphone
For general practitioners, district doctors, family or private doctors: Due to a small weight and compact size, the complex is convenient for use not only during visits at the office, but also during at-home patient visits. The application provides registration with ECG visualization and receiving the results of its automated interpretation from the Cardioserver. If necessary, it is possible to connect to a remote archive of a medical institution on site and receive the results of earlier acquisitions, diagnoses, assigned treatment. For ambulance: The emergency physician receives the ECG in 12 leads and the automatic syndromal conclusion, which become available at once for the medical staff at the station to process and make recommendations. Such efficiency may be important, for example, in case of making decision on admission to hospital. For hospitals: In their workplaces, a functional diagnostics doctor or a cardiologist sees the ECG recorded by nurses in the chambers or in the admission departments. They can give their competent opinion, and the nurse can implement recommendations online. All the ECG can be printed to attach to inpatient an outpatient card or a clinical record.

13 The system for a mobile phone and the ECG Self-check software
Main functions: ECG recording in 12 standard leads; control of the equipment functionality and electrode placement accuracy; viewing of a preliminary automated conclusion normal – subnormal – pathological with user infotips; viewing of the automatic syndromal conclusion; results storage under personal user profile on the Cardioserver; saving the ECG in the phone memory if there is no Internet connection. Allows the patients to make ECG self-recording and record ECG of the relatives without visiting medical institutions with an option of remote medical consultations. The system can be given to a patient to: control their state during the rehabilitation period; detect infrequent arrhythmias; determinate causes of pain and syncope, control the therapy; for preventive purposes to the patients from a risk group.

14 The advantages of the system
ECG registration devices simultaneous ECG recording in 12 standard leads; high quality of ECG owing to digital data transmission; mobility and small size of the device; wireless data transfer. software instantaneous display of the automated conclusion; high reliability of the ECG automated analysis in adults and children; sufficiently detailed language of automatically generated ECG conclusions; simplicity and convenience of the device usage. The software for the Cardiometer-MT complex is distributed absolutely free. Download the software on the website

15 The advantages of the cloud server data storage
Availability: The patient acquisition data are always accessible to an unlimited number of doctors wherever they are. of users. Safety: Data storage and processing are carried out according to the Personal Data Protection Act. All the information stored on the server is encoded and has several protection levels. The administrative functions allow setting different access levels for different doctors. Twenty-four-hour technical support: The technical support is ready for assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The qualified professionals will solve any problem with the device or the software. Integration with medical information systems: The data format is compatible with the most popular MIS. The data export to the local archive and saving them in the system of the medical organization record keeping system is available. Low price: The price of the device is lower than the one of the analogs with local software due to the price of the Cardioserver distribution among a large number

16 Technical characteristics
Full input resistance at 10 Hz – no more than 100 MОhm; Common mode rejection ration – no more than 100,000; Input noise level - no more than 20 µV (range); Time constant – over 3,2 seconds; Frequency response – – 150 Hz Channel interference coefficient – under 2%; Direct current in the patient’s circuit – no more than 0.1µA Incoming signal range - 0,03 – 10 mV; Sampling frequency Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz (set manually); A/D converter -24 digit Channels - 8 synchronous Generated leads - 12 standard and Neb; ERD dimensions - 72 х 123 х 28.5 mm; Weight of the ERD kit with power supply and lead cords - less than 0.25 kg Electrical power consumption from a 5± 0.5 V power source - no more than 0.20 VA.

17 Thank you for your attention! With any questions, please contact
Lev Borisovich Markman, Deputy Director General, MICARD-LANA CJSC. Tel. +7 (812)

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