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Providing Health Care to Lesbians: Myths & Realities

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Health Care to Lesbians: Myths & Realities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Health Care to Lesbians: Myths & Realities
Kathleen Stine, MSN, ARNP Director of Clinician Services Planned Parenthood of Western Washington

2 Introduction Why is this important? Sources of current information
What puts lesbians at risk? February 2007 Kathleen Stine

3 What You’ll Learn Barriers to care Research Issues
Assessment & screening skills How to tell when someone’s gay February 2007 Kathleen Stine

4 Gay Man?? February 2007 Kathleen Stine

5 Yikes! More Out of the Closet!
February 2007 Kathleen Stine

6 …And the impact of TV…Yes, it helps change minds
February 2007 Kathleen Stine

7 The power of a story…& a Star
February 2007 Kathleen Stine

8 Minority Health Summary: The System Starts Out Skewed
Background Minority Health Summary: The System Starts Out Skewed

9 1996 U.S. Death Rates for Leading Causes of Death Age Adjusted per 100,000 population,
for Blacks and Whites All Causes 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Stroke 4. Pulmonary Disease 5. Injuries 6. Flu and Pneumonia 7. Diabetes 8. HIV/AIDS 9. Suicide Liver Cirrhosis Causes White Black Ratio Source: NCHS 1998 Black/White 10. February 2007 Kathleen Stine

10 1996 U.S. Death Rates for Leading
Causes of Death Age Adjusted per 100,000 population, for Latinos and Whites All Causes 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Stroke 4. Pulmonary Disease 5. Injuries 6. Flu and Pneumonia 7. Diabetes 8. HIV/AIDS 9. Suicide Liver Cirrhosis Latino/White 10. Source: NCHS 1998 Causes White Latino Ratio February 2007 Kathleen Stine

11 API/White Causes White API Ratio
1996 U.S. Death Rates for Leading Causes of Death Age Adjusted per 100,000 population, for Asian Pacific Islanders (API) and Whites API/White Causes White API Ratio All Causes 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Stroke 4. Pulmonary Disease 5. Injuries 6. Flu and Pneumonia 7. Diabetes 8. HIV/AIDS 9. Suicide Liver Cirrhosis 10. Source: NCHS 1998 February 2007 Kathleen Stine

12 Minority Health – Lesbian Couples
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health Mar;60(3): What same sex civil partnerships may mean for health. King & Bartlett Legal and social recognition of same sex relationships may reduce discrimination, increase the stability of same sex relationships, and lead to better physical and mental health for gay and lesbian people. February 2007 Kathleen Stine

13 Definitions February 2007 Kathleen Stine

14 …and Percentages February 2007 Kathleen Stine

15 Barriers to Access Invisibility: underreporting likely because of stigma of homosexuality Myths and misinformation: despite paucity of research, many assumptions are made Traditional health care not holistic February 2007 Kathleen Stine

16 Barriers to Access Homophobia: Research Special issues for youth
patients GLBT providers GLAMA Study BMJ ’04 Study: How does being gay affect your work? Research Special issues for youth February 2007 Kathleen Stine

17 Provider Attitudes Sources:
National Lesbian Health Survey Michigan Lesbian Health Survey Impacts not only the sensitivity of care but the completeness of care Provider & staff trainings appear to affect quality of care to sexual minority women Newer research shows only slight improvements, espec amongst adherents of traditional gender roles February 2007 Kathleen Stine

18 The Lesbian Family Access to fertility treatment by gays, lesbians, and unmarried persons. Statement by Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Ethical arguments supporting denial of access to fertility services on the basis of marital status or sexual orientation cannot be justified. February 2007 Kathleen Stine

19 Issues in Research Defining Lesbian IOM Report Politics Funding
Publishing February 2007 Kathleen Stine

20 NIH Scientific Workshop on Lesbian Health s/p IOM Report
Workgroup Recommendations All aspects of lesbian health Research careers Homophobia, lesbian life Healthy People 2010 February 2007 Kathleen Stine

21 Why Does It Matter? February 2007 Kathleen Stine

22 Health Risks for Lesbians
Cancers Lung Breast: Nurses’ Study II: nulliparity, ETOH intake Cervical Ovarian and endometrial February 2007 Kathleen Stine

23 STDs: Yes they get them too!
Viral: HSV HPV HIV Other: Syphilis GC/CT BV – a WSW STD? February 2007 Kathleen Stine

24 Other Health Risks: from Nurses’ Health Study II, 2004
Cardiovascular Diseases: higher BMI, smoking Disordered Substance Uses: higher daily ETOH intake Psychosocial and Mental Health: higher reported depression & use of antidepressants February 2007 Kathleen Stine

25 Preventive Health for Lesbians
Accessing the system: becoming a culturally competent provider Nutrition & exercise Smoking cessation & alcohol moderation Stress management February 2007 Kathleen Stine

26 Changes You Can Make Now
Antidiscrimination Statement Inclusive or neutral wall art Variety of magazines Husbands aren’t the only spouse Health Education Brochures February 2007 Kathleen Stine

27 An Example February 2007 Kathleen Stine

28 Summary WSW require culturally competent providers
More research is needed to determine the health risks of lesbians Preventive health education (especially homophobia coping skills) is critical February 2007 Kathleen Stine

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