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Societal Changes and Their Impact on In-House Employment Practices

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1 Societal Changes and Their Impact on In-House Employment Practices

2 Does your organization use social media for external contact with clients and potential clients?
Yes No I don’t know

3 Is external social media content reviewed or monitored by legal or compliance?
Yes No I don’t know

4 Does your organization use social media for internal communication with employees?
Yes No I don’t know

5 Is external social media content reviewed or monitored by legal or compliance?
Yes No I don’t know

6 If legal advice was provided, was it followed
If legal advice was provided, was it followed? Or was it overruled in the interest of achieving the business goal? Yes, it was followed. No , it wasn’t followed No Comment I don’t know


8 While there were many holdouts in the earlier days of social media’s development, businesses and marketers love social media today. 90 percent of marketers are using social media for business. 70 percent have used Facebook to successfully gain new customers and 34 percent have used Twitter to successfully generate leads. 72 percent of all Internet users are also social media users social media is fast becoming as ubiquitous as the computer itself.

9 Social Networking Sites
Facebook 1.11 billion active users. 665 million daily active users. Instagram® 90 million monthly active users. 40 million photos uploaded per day. 8,500 likes per second. Twitter 554 million active users. 9,100 tweets per second. The Average American Spends over 3 hours per day on SNS

10 Engaging the Workforce Millennials?


12 Truths #Millennials… Eager to learn and adapt to new technologies.
Work in groups. Desire regular feedback. Motivated differently. Desire flexibility. Value social media. Crave in-person meetings.

13 Recruiting What you can do now – but not without thought:
Engage in social media; Create a mobile-friendly site; Emphasize company culture; Get creative in recruiting Millennials; Make time and answer millennials’ questions during interview process; Have creative perks that attract the best and brightest.

14 Using Social Media for Recruiting
Attract Employees Sourcing Candidates Engage Candidate Screen Applicants “Close the Deal” 14

15 Using SNS for Background Checks
Education History Work History Career Interests Hobbies Memberships Drug Use Poor Judgment Vacation Photos Party Photos Family Information Links to Profiles of Friends Links to Blogs Political Views

16 What if a rejected applicant had one of these pictures on his/her Facebook page?

17 What about one of these?

18 Changes in How to Train the Workforce
Soft Skills Training How to communicate across generations Appropriateness of use of technology to communicate and preferred methods of communication. Professional communication style. In-person communication skills Body language, eye contact. Use of personal technology in the workplace

19 Communicating Expectations in an SNS-saturated Workplace
Make the expectations clear up front Schedules, time commitments, etc. , internet, social media policies.              Appropriate channels for complaints and suggestions Consider a collaborative forum.

20 Sample Policy Language
Employees may not post on a blog or website or participate in social networking on or through websites or services such as Twitter, Facebook, or similar sites/services during working time, unless specifically authorized to do so as part of their job duties. All rules regarding confidential and proprietary business information apply in full to blogs, websites and social networking on or through websites or services such as Twitter, Facebook, and similar sites/services.  Any information that cannot be disclosed through a conversation, a note or an also cannot be disclosed in a blog, website or social networking on or through websites or services such as Twitter, Facebook, or similar sites/services. Please do not use discriminatory comments, or engage in libel or slander when commenting about the Company, your superiors, co-workers or our competitors.

21 Sample Policy Language
Employees may not use the Company’s logos or trademarks for commercial purposes or to endorse any product or service. Any conduct which is impermissible under the law if expressed in any other form or forum is impermissible if expressed through a blog, website, or social networking on or through websites or services such as, Twitter, Facebook, or similar sites/services. For example, posted material that is discriminatory, obscene, defamatory, libelous or threatening is forbidden.  All other Company policies apply equally to employee blogging. Employees should review this Handbook for further guidance. Nothing in this policy is designed to interfere with, restrain, or prevent employee communications regarding wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment.

22 The Four Step Inquiry For Analyzing Online Posts
Does the posting seek to initiate, induce or prepare for group action? Does the posting reference conversations with co-workers that occurred before postings were made so that the posting is a logical outgrowth of those conversations? Does the posting seek to bring group complaints to the attention of management? Is the posting so outrageous, disloyal or disparaging of the Company’s product or service so as to lose the protection of the Act?

23 Best Practices To Minimize Risk Of Social Media Blunders
Develop clear and concise policies. Use examples if necessary. Train managers and supervisors as appropriate to view online comments as if they happened in the break room or parking lot. Consider whether the activity may be viewed as protected concerted activity. Before you discipline, be able to articulate a reasonable and consistent basis for the discipline. Evaluate whether the activity is protected in some way.

24 Is Government Use of SNS Impacting the Workplace?
The President of the United States regularly tweets his own online messages by 6 am, before his formal communications team even start their day.

25 INSERT: NYC Tweet re: NYC Sick Leave law

26 The Trump Administration’s Impact on the Workplace
The New Administration has shown far more populist tendencies than traditional Republican candidates. Unexpected support for some worker-friendly ideas, such as paid maternity leave, and some speculate administration may eventually support an increase in the federal minimum wage. The DOL is expected to permit employers greater flexibility in using independent contractors, for example, and provide businesses with more certainty in expanding through use of franchises.

27 The Trump Administration’s Impact on the Workplace
The New Administration has announced an intention to rescind Executive Orders and Actions. Experts disagree as to whether the administration will rescind Executive Order requiring government contractors to provide 7 days of paid sick leave per year. Given the electorate that supported him, Trump may look more kindly on initiatives that provide benefits to workers, even if they impose some burdens on businesses.

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