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Allied Powers: The Alliance of Britain, France, and Russia in WWI.

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Presentation on theme: "Allied Powers: The Alliance of Britain, France, and Russia in WWI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alliance: A union or association formed between countries for defensive purposes.
Allied Powers: The Alliance of Britain, France, and Russia in WWI. Attrition: The action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure. Autocracy: A system of government by one person with absolute power. Central Powers: The Alliance of Germany, Austria–Hungary, and Italy

2 Dissent: Disagree Entente: A friendly understanding or informal alliance between states or factions. Front: contested armed boundary between opposing forces. Isolationism: A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, esp. the political affairs of other countries. Militarism: Glorification of the military, a policy of maintaining a strong military organization in aggressive preparedness for war

3 Neutral: An impartial and uninvolved country or person.
Pacifist: someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes. Reparations: the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury Socialism: a political theory advocating state ownership of industry. Treaty: A formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.

4 Alliances Form Alliance-agreement between countries who agree to work together in time of war Two alliances during WWI Central Powers Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria Allied Powers Serbia, France, Great Britain, Russia, Japan, and Italy Everybody declares war on everybody else.

5 World War I Begins with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary Killed by a young Serbian revolutionary Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

6 Russian Revolution WWI was going bad for Russia
Massive casualties Economic Depression Bolsheviks launched a revolution led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov (Lenin) Aided by Gregori Rasputin Tsar Nicolas II was murdered along with his entire family.

7 Gregori Rasputin Aide to the family of Tsar Nicolas II, in particular, his son Alexi Gave the Bolsheviks access to the Tsar’s palace. Later murdered by Tsar loyalists

8 United States goes to War
US ocean liner that was sunk by a German submarine as it crossed the Atlantic. The German High Command claimed that the ship was carrying munitions to Great Britain The US denied the accusation. Tensions between the US and Germany increased

9 The Zimmerman Telegram
Great Britain claimed to have intercepted a telegram from the German High Command to Richard Zimmerman, the German ambassador to Mexico. The telegram supposedly proposed that if Mexico would enter into an alliance with Germany, then Germany would help Mexico regain the land that the US took during the Mexican War. There is little proof that the telegram actually existed A ploy by the British to get the US into the war??

10 Trench Warfare New inventions drove the opposing armies into hand-dug trenches for protection Poison Gas Machine Gun Tanks Trenches were infested with lice, rats and the diseases carried by both.

11 Trench Diagram

12 End of Hostilities Treaty of Versailles is signed in January, 1919
Germany receives the brunt of the punishment Full Reparations Loss of all colonies President Wilson helps create the League of Nations Organization dedicated to world peace US Congress refused to join

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