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World History: Chapter 1 Review

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1 World History: Chapter 1 Review

2 When he lied this boy’s nose grew
Illustration When he lied this boy’s nose grew

3 God created the world in this many days

4 This term is used to describe humans possessing qualities that reflect God’s own personality

5 This idea says that God has complete and permanent control over the world

6 Humans were told to make the world useful and “subdue” it in this command

7 This is where the exchange of values and ideas occur among people

8 Adam and eve were told to not eat of this tree

9 This term describes everyone in a city doing a specific task

10 This is the theme verse of the Bible

11 This son of Adam and Eve killed his brother Abel

12 God started over with mankind with this man and his family

13 Weeds and beasts fighting with humans began as a result of this in the world

14 Originally when Adam and eve were perfect they loved this person above all else

15 The people of babel committed this sin

16 This term means an agreement

17 God dispersed the people of babel by this action

18 This man was originally called Jacob but his name was changed to this

19 The number of tribes of israel

20 This nation enslaved the nation of Israel for many years before Moses rescued the jews

21 God gave this to moses so that israel knew what was expected from them and how to please god

22 The mosaic covenant was conditional because if Israel disobeyed this would occur

23 This leader of Israel helped the Israelites conquer canaan

24 Name one of the promises given to Abraham in the Abrahamic covenant

25 This man was the greatest of Israel’s kings

26 Jerusalem was destroyed In this year and the people taken into captivity to Babylon

27 The Davidic covenant promised that this person would be born into the family of king david

28 This name of Jesus’ mean Messiah or anointed one

29 This empire controlled Judea during the time of Christ

30 Joseph and mary traveled to this city where Jesus was born

31 This is the most important event in human history

32 This man condemned jesus to be crucified

33 This term is the message that Christ died for the sins of mankind and that one must believe and repent of their sins

34 This great Christian persecuted Christians before he accepted christ

35 These people especially hated Christ during his ministry on earth

36 This was formed once Christ ascended into heaven

37 The destruction of Jerusalem helped to spread Christianity due to this reason

38 Persecution of Christians began under this roman emperor

39 Christians were blamed for the destruction of this great city

40 This is the name the romans called the nation of Israel

41 Under this roman emperor persecution against Christians became intense and thorough

42 Roman persecution ended once this order was issued by emperor constantine

43 This roman emperor made Christianity the official religion of the roman empire

44 This missionary went to the british isles and ireland

45 The roman empire was split into a second empire called this name

46 At this church council Jesus was confirmed god and to be part of the trinity

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