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U.S. and World – 1st Quarterly Review Jeopardy 2

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1 U.S. and World – 1st Quarterly Review Jeopardy 2
Israel & India Korean War Japan & China Africa Cold War Hodge-Podge 100 200 300 400 500

2 Tension in India resulted largely from conflict between Muslims and this religious group?
Hindus home

3 Palestinian Arabs were concerned by the large number of Jews entering Palestine. This is the Arabs’ other major concern with the Jewish immigrants. They were buying land home

4 This is the resource rich region in Northwest India also claimed by Pakistan and China.
Kashmir home

5 Attacked by 5 Arab countries
This is what happened to Israel the day after it declared its nationhood. Attacked by 5 Arab countries home

6 This is the term for the Cold War path followed by India.
Non-aligned home

7 North Korea was supported in the war by the USSR and this country that entered the war when U.S. forces nearly overran North Korea. China home

8 The Korean War ended in this, with the opposing borders near the 38th Parallel.
Stalemate home

9 The Korean War was the 1st time this organization authorized the use of force to stop aggression.
United Nations home

10 This is the reason President Truman relieved General MacArthur from command during the Korean War.
Insubordination home

11 The Korean War is often referred to by this term because it was fought between WWII and the Vietnam War and received less public attention. “Forgotten War” home

12 This Chinese ruling group was overthrown by the Communists in the Chinese Civil War.
Nationalists home 12

13 The new Japanese constitution put this limitation on the use of Japanese military force.
Self-defense only home 13

14 This was the Chinese Communist leader during the civil war and afterward.
Mao Zedong home

15 This American general was placed in charge of the occupation of Japan following WWII.
MacArthur home

16 This was the failed attempt to create equality in communist China by eliminating “elite” elements from Chinese society. It was led by the Red Guards. Cultural Revolution home

17 The countries that colonized Africa by the start of the 20th century were from this continent.
Europe home

18 This is the Central African nation that was a former colony of Belgium and experienced much civil war following achievement of independence. Dem. Rep. of the Congo home

19 Africa touches the Atlantic and Indian Oceans as well as this other major body of water to the north. Mediterranean Sea home

20 National borders or tribal boundaries
Disputes over these (a remnant of European colonialism) was the most important factor contributing to African instability & civil war. National borders or tribal boundaries home

21 This is the North African country that was a former French colony and had to fight for its independence. Algeria home

22 The United Nations was often ineffective during the Cold War because permanent members of the Security Council had this power. Veto home

23 The Berlin Crisis eventually ended because of the success of this action by the Western allies.
Airlift home

24 This was the primary purpose of the Truman Doctrine.
Aid countries fighting Communism home

25 This U.S. pronouncement warned the USSR that any aggressive action on their part in the Middle East would be challenged by the U.S. Eisenhower Doctrine home

26 This couple was executed for providing the USSR with U. S
This couple was executed for providing the USSR with U.S. atomic secrets. Rosenbergs home

27 The Communists were successful in the Chinese Civil War largely because they had the support of this huge segment of society. Peasants home

28 Term for a company that offers similar products or services in many locations.
Franchise home

29 During the 1950s many Americans migrated from the cities to the suburbs and from the North to this area. Sunbelt home

30 Economic system in which the means of production are privately owned to generate individual profit.
Capitalism home

31 This city is often at the center of conflict in Palestine because it is a holy city for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Jerusalem home

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