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How to Give a Succesful Powerpoint Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "How to Give a Succesful Powerpoint Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Give a Succesful Powerpoint Presentation

2 Organization Put slides in order of your presentation for smooth transitions and so it is easy to understand Try to keep one idea limited to one slide If you have one thought and then...

3 Organization it’s on another slide, that is very distracting!
Include any visuals that may help to explain your idea

4 Organization Sometimes a picture is all you need!

5 Organization Allow the points to cue you so you know what you are going to say. Do not put every single thing you are going to say and then simply read, the purpose of Powerpoint is to provide support to what you say, not say every single thing that comes out of your mouth. If every single thing you say is on the slide, then there is WAY too much text and the audience will get distracted and overwhelmed and that defeats the purpose of using Powerpoint.

6 Organization Instead, consider jot notes, for example:
Powerpoint can provide lots of visuals to a presentation Main points can support what the presenter is saying, but should not have EVERYTHING the presenter is saying

7 Adding videos Insert Movie and Powerpoint will let you customize how it starts Nicer to embed video

8 Adding videos Or add a link (but must be connected to internet!)

9 Too big and you can’t get your whole point across!
Visuals Choose a font that is appropriately sized. Too small and no one will be able to see it! Too big and you can’t get your whole point across!

10 Animations Animations can be fun to include.
But they can be distracting as well. Moderation is key. Animations may help, if you want to hide something and reveal it at a certain point in time.

11 Delivery Speak in a controlled and professional manner
Project your voice to ensure EVERYONE in the room can hear you Make eye contact with everyone in the room at least once

12 Delivery Do NOT read from the slides or notes!
You should have a good working knowledge of your topic and be able to explain concepts from memory!

13 Delivery If you have enthusiasm, then the audience will have more enthusiasm Feel free to interact with audience members to ensure they are understanding the presentation Use them as examples, props, demonstrators, etc.

14 Delivery If presentations make you nervous, rehearse, rehearse, rehearse! Rehearse in the room you will be presenting Rehearse in front of friends or family While presenting, find a friendly face and focus on them

15 As an audience member Show interest and enthusiasm Be polite!
Ask questions if you are interested or something that will make the presenter confident Give constructive criticism

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