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Sigmund Freud and Psychodynamic Approach: Part 1

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1 Sigmund Freud and Psychodynamic Approach: Part 1

2 Announcements Concept list 6 is due on Thursday, March 17th.
Forum post 6 (Freudian Slip) is due on Friday, March 18th by 8am. Quest 4 will be on concept list 5 and ethics and morality.

3 Thought Question Interpret the following psychological quote in your mini-notebook: “Evil men do what good men only dream of.” Share your thoughts with a partner. Be prepared to share out with whole group.

4 Who is Sigmund Freud? (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939)
An Austrian neurologist who founded the discipline of psychoanalysis Best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the mechanism of repression Created the clinical method of psychoanalysis for investigating the mind through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst

5 Psychodynamic Approach
Freud believed that our behavior and behavior disorders are determined mainly by basic drives and past psychological events. Proposed that people may not know why they feel, think, or act the way they do because activities are partly controlled by the unconscious part of the mind.

6 The Id, Superego, and Ego Id – The unconscious portion of personality containing basic impulses and urges Pleasure principle – The id’s operating principle, which guides people toward whatever feels good. Ego – The part of personality that mediates conflicts between and among the demands of the id, the superego, and the real world. Reality principle- The ego functions in reality and creates comprises between the id and the superego. Superego – The component of the personality that tells people what they should and should not do.

7 Id, Ego, and Superego

8 News Station and Freudian Slips
A verbal or memory mistake that is believed to be linked to the unconscious mind. Examples Calling his or her spouse by an ex's name Saying the wrong word(s) News Station and Freudian Slips

9 The Id, Superego, Ego Log the following clip in your video source graphic organizer: Title Id, Ego, and the Superego Unit: Theoretical Foundations Theme: Psychodynamic approach Thread: Personality

10 Sigmund Freud and Psychodynamic Approach: Part 2

11 Thought Question Answer the following writing prompt in your mini- notebook: Create an example when your thoughts are guiding by the id and explain how the superego represses those actions.

12 Id, Superego, Ego video Log the following clip in your video source graphic organizer: Title Id, Superego, and Ego Version 2 Unit: Theoretical Foundations Theme: Psychodynamic approach Thread: Personality

13 Sigmund Freud and the 5 Psychosexual Stages

14 Announcements Concept list 6 is due on Thursday, March 17th.
Forum post 6 (Freudian Slip) is due on Friday, March 18th by 8am. Quest 4 will be on concept list 5 and ethics and morality. WEAR RED on Friday for extra credit.

15 Thought Question Answer the following question in your mini-notebook:
What role do your parents play in your moral development? Explain by using specific examples.

16 Psychosexual Stages Periods of personality development in which conflicts focus on particular issues. Oral Stage Anal Stage Phallic Stage Latency period Genital Stage

17 Oral Stage The first psychosexual stage, in which the mouth is the center of pleasure and conflict. Birth to 18 months Example Sucking fingers Biting and chewing Breast feeding

18 Anal Stage The second psychosexual stage that focuses on pleasure and conflict that sifts from the mouth to the anus. 18 months to 3 years old Examples Toilet Training Too harsh or too early can produce stinginess and neatness in adults Too late or too lax can produce disorganized or impulsiveness in adults

19 Phallic Stage The third psychosexual stage that focuses on pleasure and conflict shifts the genital area. 3 years old to the age of 6 Example Oedipus Complex–Boy experiences sexual desire for his mother and wants to eliminate father. (Male superego developed) Electra Complex –Girl develops penis envy and transfer love from mother to father.

20 Latency Period The fourth psychosexual stage which sexual impulses lie dormant. Age 6 through Age 12 Example Children at this age hang out with groups of friends that are of the same sex.

21 Genital Stage The fifth psychosexual stage, which begins during adolescence, when sexual impulses appear at the conscious level. Puberty till Death Example Pleasure is focused on the genitals of an individual.

22 The 5 Psychosexual Stages
Log the following clip by using your video source log graphic organizer: Title Freud's Psychosexual Stages Unit: Theoretical Foundations Theme: Psychodynamic approach Thread: Personality

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