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Standard Diabetes Education

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1 Standard Diabetes Education
Lesson 2

2 Food and Diabetes Food is one of three important things about diabetes
gives you energy! One way to meet and Talk with friends Activity Food Medication

3 You will learn that the amount you eat is very important! No!!!!
You will still be able to Enjoy almost all the Foods you love. Now that I have diabetes, do I have to Give up my favorite foods? You will learn that the amount you eat is very important!

4 What is the difference between bad food and good food?
There is no BAD food! What is important is the decisions you make about: What kind of food you eat How much you eat

5 What are vitamins and minerals?
Vitamin C keeps you healthy Do not have calories You need iron and calcium to build blood and bones Important for healthy skin and eyes Vitamin A helps your vision

6 How much food do I need? Calories Energy Activity Growth Health

7 CAUTION Out Energy In Energy Weight gain

8 Where does energy (calories) come from?
Food comes in three different types of energy: Carbohydrate Protein Fat

9 Carbohydrates Where are carbohydrates (carbs) found? Bread Flat bread
Sugar, jelly, honey, syrup Pasta Potatoes Snacks like pretzels and chips Biscuits Tortilla Milk, ice cream and yogurt Beans Rice All fruits Corn Green, yellow, purple, red vegetables Desserts like cake, candy, pies, cookie

10 What are healthy carbs? Low fat milk and Whole grains breads yogurt
and cereal Any kind of fresh fruit Pasta, boiled or steamed rice, noodles

11 What are healthy carbs? Baked potato Beans: navy lima, kidney
chili, lentils Any kind of vegetables Snacks: thin pretzels Baked chips Low fat popcorn

12 How many carbs should I eat everyday?
The Food Guide Pyramid will help you figure out how many carbs to eat each day Carbs are not “free” Foods!!!

13 REMEMBER! Any carb will give your body energy
Only healthy carbs give your body other important benefits Healthy carbs are full of vitamins and minerals

14 “Free foods”

15 Sugar is a carbohydrate.
Can I eat sugar? It is a good idea to eat less of all carbs Avoid sugar drinks! Examples of sugar: table sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup and fructose Your blood sugars may go too high if you eat large amounts of carbs Avoid foods that have a lot of sugar!!

16 How many teaspoons of sugar are there in a 20 oz bottle of soda?
This is enough sugar to raise your blood sugar about 200 points!!

17 What about if I just start eating sugar free foods?
Sugar-free foods tend to cost more money Sugar-free does not mean carbohydrate free!!! They may have natural carbs like milk or sugar alcohols How can that be??? Sugar alcohols are: Mannitol, Xylitol, and Sorbitol Sugar alcohols may give you an upset stomach if you eat large amounts

18 What about sugar substitutes?
They are safe! Aspartame (NutraSweet®) Acesulfame-K (Sunett®) Sucralose (Splenda®) Saccharin (Sweet’N low®)

19 Protein Repairs and builds muscle
Is also a source of energy for your body Where is protein found? ‣Chicken ‣Beef ‣Duck Meat and Milk group ‣Eggs ‣Turkey ‣Pork ‣Deer ‣Fish ‣Cheese ‣Beans ‣Milk ‣Peanut butter

20 Fat Helps carry vitamins to the cells Helps food taste better
Too much fat can make you fat!!! Too much fat can make your heart work too hard Fat is found in: Grease and lard Butter Margarine Coconut Nuts & seeds Avocados & guacamole Salad dressing Oils

21 What are combination foods?


23 What source of energy is in each of these foods?

24 Diabetes Food Guide Pyramid
Your Meal Plan Diabetes Food Guide Pyramid

25 How can I plan my meals using food stamps?

26 The 3 parts of taking care of diabetes are:
Food Medication Activity

27 Pick the food: C C + P C P P F F C F C C

28 Taking care of diabetes with medicine
Can I take pills instead of shots? Some children with type 2 can control their blood sugar with diet and exercise Most kids need to add Pills. Some may need insulin Your doctor or diabetes educator will determine which one is best for you!

29 Important info about medicines in the TODAY trial!!!!
How do I take my medicine? Morning: 2 pills with breakfast Evening: 2 pills with dinner

30 What do the diabetes pills do?
Glipizide and Glyburide: Tell the body to make more insulin Tell the muscle to use the insulin better Not used very much with children Metformin (Glucophage): Tell the body’s cells to open the doors DOES NOT cause the body to make more insulin One of the medicines used in the TODAY study

31 What do the diabetes pills do?
Actos or Avandia: Also tell the body’s cells to open the doors Do not cause the body to make more insulin Some kids will use Avandia in the TODAY study Injections: Insulin replaces what the pancreas can no longer make. Sometimes insulin is used along with one of the pills

32 I’m taking all my pills – why is my blood sugar not going down?
It can take a few days (even weeks) for the medicines to work well Do not stop taking your pills! Do not get frustrated – your team is here to help you

33 I’m feeling different on
these medicines – why? Some kids feel “funny” as their blood sugar gets closer to target. Tell your team if you feel: Dizzy or have headaches Upset stomach or diarrhea Do not stop taking your pills!!!!!

34 What if I forget to take my pills?
If it is 1 to 2 hours after you should have taken your pills – take them when you remember If it is longer than 2 hours – don’t take the dose Make a note in your log about missing the dose Never take the morning and evening doses at the same time! If you forget your pills – make a note in you logbook

35 Tips to remember your medicines
Sticky notes on the bathroom mirror Reminders next to your blood sugar meter Mom or dad reminds you Calendar reminders Set the alarm on Your watch

36 It’s our holiday and we fast for a day
What do I do? Talk to your diabetes team Do not make any changes to your medicines unless you talk with your team! Check your sugar an extra time or two Keep drinking water during your fast

37 Will I ever have to take shots?
Maybe There are times when Insulin is needed High blood sugar During an illness

38 Will I ever have to take shots?
Insulin Pills and insulin Pills Diet Exercise Checking blood sugar Cell doors are closed Tired pancreas


40 Feelings Why did it happen to me? I don’t think this is going
to explode…

41 How might you handle these feelings?
Understand your feelings! Talk about your feelings. Congratulations!! The only way your diabetes Team can know how you are feeling About yourself or your diabetes Is IF YOU SAY IT! When your diabetes team evaluates your diabetes control as GOOD or BAD, they are not evaluating you AS A PERSON


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