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Hinduism comes to India

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1 Hinduism comes to India

2 Aryans invade India Over Hindu Kush 1500 BC Khyber pass

3 Tribes with chiefs – “rajahs” Spoken language = Sanskrit
Oral tradition myths stories poems

4 Writing develops  the Vedas
Vedas = “books of knowledge” – holy texts Upanishads

5 The Gods A hierarchy (different levels)
Universal Spirit = Brahma Nerguna created all things – even the other gods present in all things

6 Vishnu Preserver of Life Krishna – Vishnu in Human form

7 Siva The Destroyer - a positive force

8 Cycle of Life All souls reincarnated (given new flesh).

9 Lesser gods There are almost 10,000 lesser gods
Example: Ganga – goddess of renewal For which the Ganges river is named

10 The Varnas Varna = Social class Brahmins – priests
Kshatriyas – warriors / rulers Vaisyas – craftspeople / farmers Sudras – servants Pariahs or Untouchables – do unclean work

11 Social status Birth into a class determines status for life
Only on reincarnation can you rise to the next level Within each Varna there are 100’s of Castes You grow up to do the job of the caste you were born into

12 The Bhagavad-Gita Part of the Vedas “Song of the Lord”
Relates the importance of dharma

13 Merited Incarnation Means you earned the live you were given
by actions in a past life Karma = idea that if you do good you will be blessed with good, if you do evil, you will be cursed Dharma = “righteous conduct” your dharma is the duty of your caste “Follow your Dharma, get good Karma, raise your Varna”

14 The Goal Attain perfection or “Moksha” or Enlightenment
Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaisyas Sudrahs Pariahs Attain perfection or “Moksha” or Enlightenment part of the Universal Spirit (Brahma) - in all things and released from the cycle of reincarnation

15 Jainism Principle of Ahimsa is most important
Ahimsa = all life is sacred and worthy of respect

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