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Test yourself Questions that relate to practical processes.

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1 Test yourself Questions that relate to practical processes





6 Answer


8 Answers


10 Answers


12 Answers A

13 Answers B

14 Commodities

15 Commodities You should have knowledge of the following Commodities –
The selection, cost, ease of obtaining Storage, colour/texture/taste/flavour Preparation, sweet/savoury/hot/cold/cooked/raw Serving, meals of the day Nutritional content Of the following Commodities - Meat + poultry Fish Eggs Dairy products Cereals, flour, rice, pasta Vegetables Fruit Convenience products Sauces Basic dough products Basic pastry products Cakes, sponges and scones

16 Culinary terms Complete the culinary terms proforma You will need to know what each of these terms means Proforma on RLP

17 Culinary Terms Flambe Coulis Mise en place Entree Au Gratin Bain-Marie
Accompaniments Entree Au Gratin Bain-Marie Al Dente Puree En Croute Saute Garnish Roux Brûlee Reduce Bouquet Garni Croutons Julienne Marinade

18 Match up the culinary term to the correct meanings



21 Entree Roux Coulis


23 Julienne Au Gratin Bain-Marie Bouquet Garni Croutons

24 Catering Terminology Answer the following questions :
1. Complete the following sentences using the correct term. (4) Garnish Saute Reduce Puree (i) __________ means to toss in hot fat. (ii) A decoration for savoury food is known as a ______________ . (iii) To ___________ a liquid s to make it thicker by boiling or simmering. (iv) A ___________ is formed when food is passed through a sieve to make it smooth. 2. Give the meaning of the following terms: (i) au gratin (1) (ii) croutons (1) (iii) accompaniments (1) 3. Give the meaning of the following terms: (3) (i) mise-en-place (ii) saute (iii) roux

25 Catering Terminology - Answers
Mark out of 10 Catering Terminology - Answers Mark your answers: 1. Complete the following sentences using the correct term. (4) (i) Saute means to toss in hot fat. (ii) A decoration for savoury food is known as a garnish . (iii) To reduce a liquid s to make it thicker by boiling or simmering. (iv) A puree is formed when food is passed through a sieve to make it smooth. 2. (i) sprinkled with cheese/breadcrumbs and browned or grilled (1) (ii) cubes of fried or toasted bread served with soup or in salads. Large croutons are used as a base for starters e.g. stuffed mushrooms. (1) (iii) colourful vegetables and sauces that “go with” or accompany meats etc. to make up a dish / meal / side dishes (1) 3. Give the meaning of the following terms: (3) (i) preparation time (ii) tossed in fat (iii) a thickening agent used to create the basic sauces made from equal quantities of fat and flour

26 Nutrition and menu planning
• Functions and sources of the main nutrients. • Current healthy eating guidelines. • Vegetarian choices, nut allergies, wheat intolerance, lactose intolerance. • Types of menu/menu planning - table d'hôte, à la carte and themed. • Nutritionally balanced meals. • Variety of colour, flavour, texture. • Foods in season/Time of year. • Skills of chef. • Equipment available. • Type of outlet. • Cost. • Suitability and appeal to the client. • Multi-cultural variations.

27 Nutrition You should have knowledge of the following Nutrients –
Protein Carbohydrates Fats and oils Vitamins - A eyes B release energy C skin/gums D bones and teeth Minerals – iron blood, calcium phosphorous bones and teeth Dietary fibre Include the following information for each of the Nutrients Why do we need to eat them Examples / sources Any additional information

28 Food plate Alternative proteins.
For people who don’t eat meat or animal products. TVP Textured vegetable protein (made from soya bean) Quorn A mycoroprotein which is related to the mushroom. Tivall Made from wheat and vegetable protein. Its texture is similar to meat. Tofu and bean curd Made from soya beans. Food plate The recommended guidelines say you should not exceed 6g of salt per day 3 a day Dairy portions. 5 a day bread, cereals and potatoes portions. 5 a day fruit and veg. A portion of fruit or vegetables is about the size of your clenched fist. Meat, fish and alternatives. 2 or 3 portions a day Sugary and fatty foods small amounts only.

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