Assignment ALR July 2011 How to score it well??.

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1 Assignment ALR July 2011 How to score it well??

2 TITLE The Freedoms of the air are a set of commercial aviation rights granting a country's airline(s) the privilege to enter and land in another country's airspace. By using your own aid diagram, describe the nine freedoms that been used in aviation and the law & regulation that allow operator of airline to fly its aircraft from KLIA, Malaysia to United Kingdom.

3 Rules!!!!! No plagiarism – 0 mark awarded if you are caught.
Deadline 10th October 2011 at 5.30 pm (Monday) - Any delay one mark per day off. Collect your receipt for each assignment submitted. No dispute accepted, if receipt is missing. Don’t wait until the last minute, you’d jam the counter!! Line spacing 1.5; Font 12;Times new romance Declaration format in front duly signed and dated; Table of Content (Para topics with page numbers); Bibliography (minimum 3 authors); Structured writing with correct grammar. No cut and paste work please. You won’t score. Be creative, and provide interesting concepts, theories, and conclusions by various gurus and experts. Make your writing others would love to read. Folks, this is actually an open book with unlimited time exam. It is like a bonus mark. Exploit it to the fullest by doing well and scoring the maximum 15 marks. See and talk to your dear and dedicated lecturers if you need any guidance and help or, if everything else fails, see me. Good luck

4 Guide to assignment preparation!!
Introduction *state the history of Air Law & regulation from Hague conference until MCAR 1996. -state the general history and Malaysia air law history -(1~2 pages)

5 Content *explain the ninth freedom- (history , objective , function etc.) *use your own aids diagram to explain 9 freedom/draft/manual design/sketch and give an examples. *use your own words and understand do not only copy paste. -you may add on the relevant example and case study. After that…. *State what the suitable law to comply an Aircraft form KLIA to UK. *you may using CHICAGO 1944 ARTICLE 1~96,ANNEX 1~18,9 FREEDOM and MCAR from part 1~ part XVI(16) -Map Malaysia and UK to show how a/c fly. (10~15 pages)

6 Conclusion *state the important of air law,CC1944,ANNEX,9 freedom, MCAR and why you need to learn about it. (1 ~ 2 pages) Bibliography *at least 3 author , internet , book , journal and etc… (1~2 pages)

7 Reminder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deadline 10th October 2011 at 5.30 pm (Monday) – Any delay one mark per day off. Collect your receipt for each assignment submitted. No dispute accepted, if receipt is missing. Don’t wait until the last minute,

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