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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance

2 A rebirth of art and learning.

3 Skepticism

4 A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind.

5 Individualism

6 Belief in the importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence.

7 Humanism

8 A Renaissance intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements.

9 Classicism

10 Knowledge of the literature and art of ancient Greece and Rome.

11 Protestant

12 A member of a Christian church founded on the principles of the Reformation.

13 Reformation

14 A movement for religious reform that rejected the pope’s authority.

15 Printing Press

16 A machine by which images are transferred to paper by means of ink – helped spread Renaissance and Reformation ideas quickly.

17 Excommunication

18 The taking away of a person’s membership in the Roman Catholic Church.

19 Vernacular

20 The everyday language of people in a region or country.

21 Inquisition

22 A Roman Catholic court created to investigate and prosecute charges of heresy.

23 Counter Reformation

24 Efforts to oppose the Protestant Reformation and reform of the Catholic Church.

25 Heresy

26 The rejection of a belief that is a part of a church teaching.

27 Indulgence

28 A payment collected by the Catholic Church that released a person from punishments due for a sin.

29 Absolute Monarch

30 A king or queen who has unlimited power and seeks to control all aspects of society.

31 Divine Right

32 The idea that monarchs are God’s representatives on earth and therefore answerable only to God.

33 Westernization

34 An adoption of the social, political, or economic institutions of Western countries.

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