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  The word Renaissance means rebirth.  Used to describe the time that followed the Middle Ages  The Renaissance was a time of new thought and advancement.

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3   The word Renaissance means rebirth.  Used to describe the time that followed the Middle Ages  The Renaissance was a time of new thought and advancement.  New ways of thinking developed in the areas of art, architecture, science, philosophy, and politics. Why “Rebirth”?

4  Renaissance Trade Routes

5  The States of Italy during the Renaissance, c.1494

6   During the Renaissance, Italy was a collection of city- states, each with its own ruler—the Pope in Rome, the Medici family in Florence, the Doge in Venice, the Sforza family in Milan, the Este family in Ferrara  Among the ruling families of these city-states there was conflict and intense rivalry—either by open warfare or through economic and artistic competition. Italian City-States

7  Medici Family Medici Family: Bankers from Florence Florence: center of the Renaissance movement (because of the Medici family support)

8   Patron: Someone who provides support to a specific cause and/or person/people For example:  The Medici Family (patrons) funded many Renaissance Artists.  The Pope was also a patron of Renaissance art. Patrons:

9  RESPECT But most importantly, it could buy you RESPECT Glorify God Glorify God Glorify God Glorify God That's the way to get a rich rascal like yourself into heaven  Glorify your city  Glorify your city That's the way to get ahead in politics and power Glorify your city Glorify your city  Glorify yourself and your family  Glorify yourself and your family That's the way to real immortality Glorify yourself and your family Glorify yourself and your family In Renaissance Italy Money Could Buy You a lot of Things Good FoodExpensive Things Fine Clothing

10   In Renaissance Italy, making money and getting rich was considered sinful—the Catholic Church even banned banks from charging interest on loans!  That didn't stop anyone from trying to get rich…  Those who got rich usually felt an obligation to give something back to society. A work of art became a popular item for rich bankers and merchants to commission on behalf of their family, their city, or their God. Why Patrons Gave Can art buy my way into heaven?

11  Invented by Johann Gutenberg in 1455 How did it work? Block letters were held together by a wooden form. Ink was rolled over the raised surfaces and then pressed against a sheet of paper. The Printing Press How were books made before the invention of the printing press?

12   Books could be produced quickly and with relatively little effort  Bookmaking became less expensive  More people could afford to buy books  People began demanding books that were printed in the vernacular  Literacy rates went up  People start to learn about Humanism “ What gunpowder did for war the printing press has done for the mind” Vernacular: the native language of a place (Italian, French, German, etc)

13   During the Middle Ages, scholars had been guided by the teachings of the church, and people had concerned themselves with actions leading to heavenly rewards SPIRITUAL  During the Renaissance, Western Europeans rediscovered the classics of Ancient Greece and Rome and became more focused on humans, their intellect and life here on earth SECULAR HUMANISM

14  Middle Ages Renaissance Middle Ages vs Renaissance  Roman Catholic Church was dominant force in the lives of the people  People had a sense of place, community was important..  Feudalism  Art was primarily religious in nature, figures were fully clothed; artwork was never signed  Not much change  The only literate and educated people were the clergy  Power of church was questioned, especially during the Reformation  People wanted more out of life, individualism was emphasized (Humanism)  Rise of towns and cities  Art was still religious, but also a lot of secular themes; the artists signed their work  Advancements in technology and medicine  Literature became less expensive and more available.  Man could become godlike through education. Man was the highlight of God's creations. During both, religion was still important, the main difference being how God was viewed

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