How to use this deck INTERNAL SLIDE

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1 How to use this deck INTERNAL SLIDE PURPOSE The purpose of this deck is to tell the company story of the Microsoft 365 powered device in the context of modern IT. AUDIENCE ITDMs in enterprise customers or prospects with broader, more senior IT roles Notes begin on slide 3 GUIDANCE The primary use for this presentation is for EBCs, high-level customer briefings or at first/third-party events. The style of this presentation is highly visual. Please use the notes pages in the deck as a starting point for your talk track, including key products to highlight. See slide 2 for detailed instructions. There are several suggested videos and demos in the deck that will help lend real- world credibility to your story. Expected presentation time: 30 minutes including videos. Walkthrough demos are also available to demonstrate each of the 4 value prop pillars.

2 Viewing notes Notes begin on slide 3
Simply change your view of this presentation to the ‘Notes Page’ in the ‘View’ section of the ribbon to view the full talk track and speaker notes Notes begin on slide 3 Notes View Normal View

3 The Microsoft 365 Powered Device
© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. “Transform to modern IT” Hello and welcome. My name is <name> and today I’d like to share how Microsoft 365 is a great opportunity to help transform to modern IT, and dramatically improve efficiencies across your organization. The Microsoft 365 Powered Device Name

4 Digital transformation
“Digital transformation is the biggest change seen in our lifetimes” Digital transformation We are living in a time of inflection. Digital transformation is the biggest change any of us has seen in our lifetime. By 2018, two-thirds of the Global 2000 CEOs will have digital transformation at the heart of their corporate strategy. Digital transformation is fundamentally changing the ways companies use technology to empower employees, optimize operations, transform products and engage customers. Key points to land Biggest change any of us have seen in our lifetimes By 2018, two thirds of Global CEOs will have DT at heart of corporate strategy

5 “Digital transformation is about people”
But at its core, digital transformation is all about people. People are what make this happen, not technology. We need tools to help our people do their best work. We need to be able to do that securely, more creatively. We need to be able to inspire a new generation of workers entering the workforce. This starts with fostering a culture of work that is inspiring for everyone. Key points to land People make this happen, not technology Empower people do their best work Create an inspiring culture

6 Microsoft Inspire Introducing “Microsoft 365 brings the right tools together” Microsoft 365 A complete, intelligent, secure solution to empower employees. Recently Microsoft introduced Microsoft 365 Enterprise to help you foster a new culture of work. It’s a complete, intelligent solution that empowers everyone to be creative and work together, securely. It brings together the best of Microsoft with Office 365, Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility + Security. We think this is an offering that can truly help you transform your business. Key points to land Microsoft 365 brings together the right tools to get the job done. Offering that truly helps organizations transform It’s made up of Office 365, Windows 10 and EMS Office 365 Windows 10 Enterprise Enterprise Mobility + Security

7 Momentum Microsoft 365 500M Windows 10 monthly active devices
Microsoft Inspire Momentum Microsoft 365 “Microsoft 365 has incredible traction…” 500M Windows 10 monthly active devices 100M Commercial Office 365 monthly users 12M Organizations in Azure Active Directory >90% Fortune 500 using Microsoft Cloud  Customers are already embracing Microsoft 365 to create a more secure and productive enterprise, today. Even though this is a new offering, we already have incredible traction with these products. We have over 500 million customers using Windows 10. We have over 100 million customers using Office 365 that are active each month. We also have 12 million organizations that are already using Azure Active Directory and taking their IT to the cloud. And more than 90 percent of Fortune 500 are using the Microsoft Cloud. This is incredible momentum that we see across the board from all the components of Microsoft 365. We’re packaging all this together in a way that's much simpler for you to adopt and implement. Key points to land Customers already embracing these products Incredible momentum and traction Making it simpler to adopt and implement

8 Microsoft 365 Customer Momentum
“Customers are already seeing the benefits of Microsoft 365” Many customers today are already seeing the impact of using these products together to transform. Take Mars, for example, who are using the Microsoft 365 powered device to increase executive and field working mobility with a single unified platform of light weight, easy to manage devices. They have 80,000 desktops already with Microsoft In fact, when they embarked on the journey to adopt Microsoft 365, they achieved levels of deployment that were two times higher than they were anticipating. And by the end of 2018, they expect to have all of their employees on Microsoft 365. But my favorite example is Accenture who using Windows 10, Office and EMS at incredible scale today. To help their customers digitally transform they have to lead by example and transform themselves. They do this as part of what they call the Accenture Digital Worker Enablement program. As a result they will exceed over 400k machines running Windows 10 in 2018 – one of the largest implementations of Windows on the planet. Key points to land We have customers today are seeing the impact already Mars are increasing exec and field worker mobility with lightweight devices & management Accenture. Well over 400k Win 10 machines by 2018 Accenture are transforming themselves with the Accenture Digital Worker Enablement program

9 Video Accenture “Accenture embodies digital transformation”
Microsoft Inspire “Accenture embodies digital transformation” I’d like to share a short video to give you a sense of their story using Microsoft 365. I love the Accenture example just because you can see a lot of the elements that we've been talking about. The workforce transformation with millennials coming online, the need for mobility, how they bring together devices into this experience, how they use Office 365 with Windows 10 and EMS. It’s a great story. Video URL Video Accenture

10 Modern IT “It falls to IT to deliver on digital transformation”
Microsoft Inspire “It falls to IT to deliver on digital transformation” Modern IT Multiple Device Platforms User and Business Owned Cloud Managed & SaaS Apps Automated Proactive Self-Service Pretty neat stuff, especially when you consider the scale they are operating at. Ultimately it falls on IT to actually deliver what you just saw. And the demands on IT are incredible. We really need a cloud-powered solution that enables us to deliver IT in a modern way. We need to be able to support multiple device platforms, not just PCs. We want to be able to support employees with mobile phones all the way up to workstations. We need to support "bring your own devices" as well as corporate-owned devices. We need to be able to support this in a cloud-managed way with software-as-a-service applications. We need to drive automation to reduce costs. We need to be proactive in how we respond to changes in the environment so that we can take action before problems happen. And e want to enable users to do all those things in a self- service way so we’re reducing costs, but most importantly, improving the experience for the end users which we serve. Key points to land It ultimately falls on IT to make it happen We need a cloud-powered modern IT platform

11 vs. & “The reality is there is real tension in IT” Classic IT
Microsoft Inspire “The reality is there is real tension in IT” Classic IT Modern IT But the reality is we are also still living in a world of classic or traditional IT. And there is real tension here. IT departments have built themselves around the traditional PC lifecycle, managing images, controlling updates, locking down behavior, protecting users. And so the reality is that IT is evolving and adapting. <click for build> We don’t think this should be an either/or. Our approach is to allow you to do both, and to modernize at your own pace, to manage risk in a smart way. To take advantage of the cloud and modern IT, but also give you the tools and capabilities to bring that that design point to your existing investments so you aren’t throwing everything out. Key points to land Classic v modern IT ‘tension’ Do both. Modernize at your own pace, manage risk Take advantage of the cloud but also bring that design point to your existing investments. Single Device Business Owned Corporate Network & Legacy Apps Manual Reactive High-touch Multiple Devices User and Business Owned Cloud Managed & SaaS Apps Automated Proactive Self-Service vs. &

12 Microsoft 365 powered device
Microsoft Inspire Microsoft 365 powered device “Introducing the Microsoft 365 powered device” The world of Microsoft 365 is one that helps you bridge from classic IT to the world modern IT at your own place. And the best way to experience that is with the Microsoft 365 powered device. This is a modern device running Windows 10 Enterprise, Office 365 Pro Plus, managed by EMS. This is the best way to experience Microsoft This is the way to use the power of the cloud to simplify the life of IT and reduce costs. This is the way to empower employees with the best productivity tools to get the job done. Key points to land Best way to experience Microsoft 365 We’re able to bring a level of integration with Windows, EMS & Office that wasn’t there before. This is all about integration, security and simplicity. The best way to experience Microsoft 365

13 Video Microsoft 365 powered device
Microsoft Inspire “Let me give you a taste of what’s possible” Let me play a short video to give you a taste for what a Microsoft 365 powered device can do. Video URL Video Microsoft 365 powered device

14 Microsoft 365 “A complete, intelligent solution to empower employees”
Microsoft Inspire Microsoft 365 “A complete, intelligent solution to empower employees” A complete, intelligent, secure solution to empower employees So to recap, Microsoft 365 is a complete, intelligent solution to empower employees. The Microsoft 365 powered device underpins this. With this solution, employees are going to be more creative, they're going to be empowered to work together, and they're going to be doing it in a way that's much simpler for the end users to go get their work done through an integrated user experience, and for IT to go manage their environment. And there is intelligent security behind all of it to make their lives easier in terms of how they protect their environment from modern threats. <click for push build> Key points to land Enterprise productivity, best of class security and a simplified user experience The Microsoft 365 powered device underpins this. Unlocks creativity Built for teamwork Integrated for simplicity Intelligent security

15 Microsoft 365 powered device
Microsoft Inspire Microsoft 365 powered device “Let’s dig deeper in to the Microsoft 365 powered device” Let's dig a little deeper into the Microsoft 365 powered device and see what it can do. First, security is top of mind for all of us, and is often one of the very first conversations we need to have when it comes about embracing he cloud. The second thing is the cost and the complexity to deploy all this stuff. We use the power of the cloud to ease the deployment of Microsoft 365 powered device. We also use the power of the cloud to manage the environment with rich new tools and capabilities that are extensible for you as well. Third, we bring the latest innovation to he hands of end users as fast as possible so they are more productive and more secure. Finally, we leverage powerful insights to help manage this environment in a proactive way. These are things like security analytics that help understand what's going on in an IT environment, or device health analytics that helps anticipate problems with devices. Key points to land Security it first and foremost The cloud helps ease deployment and management Bring the latest innovation and security to end users Leverage powerful insights to proactive run IT Easy to deploy and manage Always up to date Proactive insights Intelligent security, built-in

16 Intelligent security, built-in
Microsoft Inspire “Intelligent security is foundational” Intelligent security, built-in Security is a foundational element of the Microsoft 365 powered device. What I really want to make sure is clear is we at Microsoft are investing to make sure that a Microsoft 365 powered device is as secure as possible, and we are also investing to make sure that you can take advantage of that as easily as possible.  First, we are constantly analyzing what is going on across the security landscape, creating innovation in the platform to harden it. With this fall's Creators Update of Windows, Application Guard will help secure and isolate browsing, we'll talk about Exploit Guard as a tool to enhance and improve the mitigations and the stance of the device. On top of that, we are driving hard with cloud intelligence. And this notion that we can really take advantage of models in the cloud, the combination of data and telemetry coming from a broad range of machines to really provide insight about what's happening on individual devices and what's happening across a customer's estate is critical to how, together, we will help keep customers secure. Key points to land Constantly analyzing security landscape Innovating in the platform to strengthen it all the time The cloud powers this intelligence in real time Latest protection from advanced threats Policy options to further harden the platform Powered by the Intelligent Security Graph

17 Easy to deploy and manage
Microsoft Inspire “Creating the best experience for users” Easy to deploy and manage Now let's talk about how we can actually deliver that experience to end users so they have the best possible experience. It’s important to create cost and efficiency savings, but it is also about making sure that we empower users to be in charge and have a great self-service experience with features like Windows AutoPilot. Those things go hand in hand. We're taking advantage of FastTrack as a program to help customers through and partners accelerate their journeys. And, finally, we want to make sure that employees can do this at their own pace, that customers can move from a full on-premises management world into a cloud-managed world in a way that works for them. Key points to land End users crave a delightful experience FastTrack helps accelerate this journey Empower employees to go at their own pace Lower cost self-service deployment via AutoPilot Deployment FastTrack program for accelerated adoption Easier transition to cloud-based management

18 Always up to date Latest productivity and security capabilities
Microsoft Inspire “It’s critical users stay up to date” Always up to date One of the most important characteristics of modern IT is ensuring that users are always up to date. This is critical for the user making sure they have all the latest features and that it is reliable, but it's also critical for security. I think we've all seen that one of the best things we can do is make sure that customers stay up to date not only on patches, but on getting security mitigations as those become available. And so with an always-up-to-date cadence and delivered through the magic of the cloud, we can make that happen. Key points to land Modern IT requires users to be up to date Critical for security But also essential for increase end- user productivity Latest productivity and security capabilities Aligned servicing model and cadence Helps be compliant, today and tomorrow

19 Always up to date for latest productivity and security capabilities
Microsoft Inspire PRODUCT UPDATE PRODUCT UPDATE “Aligning Windows and Office deployment” Always up to date for latest productivity and security capabilities Recently we aligned the deployment cadences across Office and Windows so that this becomes more predictable for you. Updates happen now happen twice a year, roughly in the spring and the fall, and you have a similar cadence for how you roll out new versions of Office, how you roll out new versions of Windows, and use this to help drive compliance for your organization. Key points to land More predictable Updates in the fall and spring AGILE UPDATE CYCLE PRODUCT UPDATE PRODUCT UPDATE 2 UPDATES PER YEAR

20 Microsoft Inspire “Harness data to create proactive insights” Proactive insights One of the most important characteristics of the Microsoft 365 powered device is the ability to use real data to create proactive insights. This is incredibly powerful. We make the most of the data and telemetry that we derive insights from across the range of applications, operating systems, and infrastructure globally and return it to you to get perspective and insight on what's actually happening for users every day. Features like Windows Analytics helps you diagnose and fix issues. You can use this to drive deployments, and help make sure users actually stay up to date. Key points to land Harness data and global insights Make sure users are up to date Diagnose and fix issues before they happen with telemetry-driven data Windows and Office application compatibility and readiness analytics

21 Microsoft 365 powered device
Microsoft Inspire Intelligent security, built-in “The best way to experience Microsoft 365” Microsoft 365 powered device The best way to experience Microsoft 365 Easy to deploy and manage So to sum up, it's about making sure devices are secure, that users are empowered to drive their own experiences that’s easy to deploy and manage.  Keeping releases always up to date so you are secure and your users have a great experience is paramount. But the fundamental theme is all about ensuring IT just works, and is powered by proactive insights and data around from your organization. Ultimately, the Microsoft 365 powered device is the best way to experience Microsoft 365. Key points to land Intelligent security is built in Users are empowered for a great experience Your IT is always up to date Powered by data and the cloud Always up to date Proactive insights

22 Take action today Get secure and stay secure
Microsoft Inspire “Embrace the Microsoft 365 powered device” Take action today Take action today! Embrace the Microsoft 365 powered device to get secure and stay secure. Accelerate your journey to the Microsoft 365 powered device with the FastTrack program. And we encourage you to visit to learn more. Key points to land Get and stay secure Leverage FastTrack Learn more online Get secure and stay secure Accelerate your journey with FastTrack Visit to learn more

23 This is your opportunity to reach the new culture of work.
Microsoft Inspire “This is your opportunity to transform” Create a new culture of work in your organization today. Thank you! Key points to land The time is now Transform today

24 “Text…” Key points to land Text

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