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Chapter 29.

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1 Chapter 29

2 Focus Question What is apartheid?

3 Countries of South Asia
India Afghanistan Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh

4 India 2nd most populous nation in the world
One of the oldest countries of the world Britain owned India until late 1947 Believe in reincarnation Society is organized according to the Cast system (page 615)

5 Religion Religious Conflict Violent Partition Pakistan
Hindus and Muslims India and Britain agreed to partition the nation Pakistan was formed for the Muslims Violent Partition Hindus moved to India Muslims moved to Pakistan Pakistan Divided into East and West Pakistan Bangladesh was formed out of Pakistan

6 India Food Clothing Family Most Indians are vegetarians
Eat meat rarely Goats and chicken Rice is an important crop Clothing Women wear Sari Women can only show the skin of their face Family Families are large Households include extended families

7 India Economy Healthcare Education Many people have cottage industries
Life expectancy is 60 Many people die because of poor drinking water Education 40% illiterate Most all children attend primary schools

8 Quiz 1. What are the countries of the Sahel?
2. What are the countries of Southern Africa? 3. What are the countries of Northern Africa? 4. What is apartheid? 5. What country was created by the U.S. for ex Slaves? 6. What is Africa's economy like today? 7. What resource dictates peoples lives in Africa? 8.Who is Nelson Mandela? 9. Why is the Nile River so important? 10. Why are diseases so prevalent in Africa?

9 Chapter 31

10 What is reincarnation, who practices that?
Focus Question What is reincarnation, who practices that?

11 History of China China formed 3000B.C
Historically China has had problems with food shortages and land shortages Thousands of people have starved in this region Lack farmland to produce enough food for the entire population Beginning in 1900 China became a Communist nation Strained relations with the rest of the world Great Leap Forward Take all land in the nation and divide it up among everyone

12 One Child Policy Put into place to control Chinas growing population
Began in the 1970’s Every couple could only have one child to get benefits Everyone wanted a boy The percentage of children in orphanages increased rapidly Children were abandoned 1990’s the law was changed to allow couples to have 2 children Couples could now have 2 children Today there are 20% more boys in the country than there are girls Population is decreasing because 20% of all men do not marry

13 Chapter 32

14 Japan

15 Physical Features Archipelago Lies in the ring of Fire Agriculture
1000 islands Formed from underwater mountains Lies in the ring of Fire Has earthquakes, volcanoes, and tropical storms 7,500/year 22/day Agriculture 13% arable land Rice is a main crop

16 Climate Varies by region Land Seasons
North- Long winters and cold summers South- hot summers and mild winters Land Size of California 4 times the population Seasons Affected by monsoons and ocean currents

17 People and Culture One of the worlds most densely populated regions
Most live in apartments Land is at a premium You have to build up because of lack of land Homogeneous society (99%) Religion: Shinto Believe in forces of nature People: Large Middle Class

18 1945- Present World War II Japan Today Pearl harbor
1945 USA Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki U.S. occupies Japan Japan Today Very modern nation Leader of education and technology Very prosperous nation

19 Korea

20 Korea Size of Minnesota Divided into 2 countries 38th parallel
North Korea- communist South Korea- Republic Korean War 1945 Divided the two regions USSR supported the North USA and Britain supported the South

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