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Religion’s Impact on the Cultural Landscape

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1 Religion’s Impact on the Cultural Landscape

2 Administration of Space
Catholic Hierarchy Locally Autonomous Pope, cardinal, archbishops – province (several dioceses and bishop of one), Bishops – diocese See – largest city in diocese Parishes – priest Moderate – Presbyterian Strong – Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist Islam Protestant Weak hierarchy – baptist, church of Christ Ethnic Judaism (need 10 adult men) Hinduism/Buddhism/Shinto – all practiced individually

3 Shaping the cultural landscape
Sacred Sites Burial Practices/sites Architecture Place names Housing Design/orientation Places of Worship Conflicts HEI – Human Environment Interaction

4 Places of Worship

5 Places of Worship: Christianity

6 Church – lord, master, power; gathering of believers
Collective worship attendance Largest and tallest of town (steeples, bell towers) Raised alter = Hill of Calvary Christian places of worship considered a sanctified place Basilicas – rectangular building central hall, two aisles Gothic – floor plan of a cross Influences Branch, denomination, sect Availability of resources

7 Places of Worship: Islam

8 Place for community assembly Not considered a “sanctified” place
Often found in large cities Central court yard Pulpit at the end of courtyard facing Makkah Ornate features represent the perfection and vastness of Allah 11th century start glazing tiles on roofs and domes Geometric designs and calligraphy Minaret – Muezzan calls followers to worship/prayer

9 Places of Worship: Buddhism

10 Stupas – bell shaped structure, protects burial mounds
Enshrine an image of Buddha Pagoda – tall many sided towers arranged in tiers, balconies, slanting roofs Worship is individual at a temple nearby or in the home Relics from the original Buddha were brought to different countries and shrines were built

11 Places of Worship: Other Universalizing Religions & Ethnic Religions

12 Baha’i One temple on each continent- universality of the religion
9 sides-- Bahá'u'lláh “God is Most Glorious”

13 Hinduism Minimal disruption of landscape Near water to use for rituals
Should face the village from a prominent position Small offerings of fruit and flowers Not a place of worship, more shrines to gods Home to 2 or more gods

14 Judaism Synagogue Wailing Wall – two great temples – built on hill where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac Western wall remains of the 2nd temple

15 Shintoism

16 “Colorful Religious Festivals”
Through TIME Photos

17 Preparation of the Dead
Christians, Muslims & Jews Others Cemetery (1st catacombs of Rome); sometimes w/feet towards Jerusalem Muslims & Jews within 24 hours, washing the body, no embalming Hindus & many Buddhists- cremation, purification Zoroastrians & some Buddhists expose the body to the elements Also disposal at sea is practiced

18 “Death” Peter Menzel Photography

19 Place Names in Québec Fig. 6-12: Place names in Québec show the impact of religion on the landscape. Many cities and towns are named after saints.

20 Similarly, California possesses a variety of Catholic place names because of the original settlers to the area


22 KI#4: Religious Conflicts

23 “The Troubles” A mural painted by the UVF supporters, recently
covered in Belfast, Northern Ireland

24 Origins The Republic of Ireland occupies 5/6ths of Eire (the island) and is a Roman Catholic country, but the Northern 1/6th of Eire is part of the UK and is Protestant. Ireland = colony of Great Britain until 1937, but Northern Ireland voted to stay with the UK. There has been much violence due to Catholics wishing to reunify with Ireland and Protestants wanting to stay with the UK. 3500 deaths since 1968. Paramilitary groups (some would call terrorists) have been guilty of atrocities on both sides of the conflict Irish Republican Army (IRA) is Catholic and wants to reunify N Ireland Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) is Protestant and remains loyal to the British government

25 Questions for discussion
How have “The Troubles” reemerged in Northern Ireland and how has the nature of the fight changed over time?

26 Hindu/Muslim (The Origins)
British ended colonial rule of India in 1947 Gandhi leading a largely Hindu movement, Mohammed Ali Jinnah was fronting a Muslim one through the Muslim League. When the British left, they created the separate states of Pakistan and Bangladesh (then “East Pakistan”) based on majority populations of religious groups violence erupted when stranded Muslims and Hindu minorities in the areas fled in opposite directions. Within a few weeks, half a million people had died in one of the greatest migration of human beings in the world's history. Over time, these separate states have reached relative stability Exception: Kashmir still a disputed area

27 Questions for discussion
How has the violence from the mid-20th century between Hindus & Muslims in India continued into the 21st century? Describe how the divide between India’s Muslim & Hindu population has grown even deeper than it was at the time of the partition of 1947

28 The Sunni/Shiite Divide (The Origins)
Began with prophet Muhammad's death in 632 CE dispute over who was to lead the Muslim community and how the leader was to be chosen. Sunni Muslims accept Abu Bakr as a righteous and rightful caliph the Sunni, hold that Abu Bakr was chosen by the community, and that this method of choosing or electing leaders was endorsed by Muhammad. Shi'a Muslims believe that the prophet had appointed his son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor They hold that Muhammad chose his cousin and son-in-law, Ali ibn Abi Talib, in accordance with Allah's command, making Ali the true successor Civil war erupted between sects over time, the division between the two sects has led to different interpretations of the Quran and severe violence between them in the modern era

29 Questions for discussion
Describe some of the recent acts of violence that have occurred between Sunnis and Shiites, especially in Iraq. How has the sectarian divide affected neighboring countries? Is there a possibility for stabilized relations between these groups in the future?

30 The Israeli- Palestinian Conflict
Chaos at a military checkpoint between Israel and Palestine

31 Origins 19th century- Palestine: Late 19th, early 20th century
86% Muslim, 10% Christian, 4% Jewish Late 19th, early 20th century Zionists call for Jewish people to create a homeland in Palestine Fighting breaks out between “indigenous” population and Jews who are now calling for Jewish state 1947- UN Partition Plan Jewish state created– 55% of the land Series of small wars/conflicts 78% of land in Israeli possession, other 22% occupied by Israeli forces Six Day War in Israelis take control of Jerusalem (had been under UN control) As an ethnic religion, Judaism makes a special claim b/c major events of it’s history took place there. Jerusalem is especially holy to the Jews b/c it was their first center of worship. Were forced to leave by the Romans around 70 AD. Most people remaining after the Diaspora of Jews accepted Christianity. Christians consider Palestine the Holy Land and Jerusalem as the Holy City b/c of Jesus’ life, death, and Resurrection. Muslims consider Jerusalem as their 3rd holiest city. Dome of the Rock Mosque = site where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

32 This power point has been adapted from one created by Tim Tomlinson

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