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Integrity Coaching Viv Grant Mother of three children

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Presentation on theme: "Integrity Coaching Viv Grant Mother of three children"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Coaching Supports School Improvement: Viv Grant: Director-Integrity Coaching

2 Integrity Coaching Viv Grant Mother of three children
Director of Integrity Coaching Executive Coach for School Leaders Author Former Head teacher

3 Staff Performance: Key Challenges
A Question …. When it comes to raising and maintaining high levels of staff performance, what are the key challenges that you/your school faces?

4 Organisations ‘ Organisations are more complex because they are made up of people who come with a range of attitudes and motivations, personal goals and ways of interacting with each other.’

5 The Challenges of Managing People!
Negative Mind –Sets Dysfunctional ways of thinking Self-limiting ways of acting Discrepancies between thinking/saying and doing Failure to understand and deal with the impact of their own behaviours

6 The Personal Iceberg Behaviour Language Physical environment Beliefs
Appearance Limiting or empowering Seen Language Physical environment Unseen Beliefs Limiting or empowering Values Experiences Thoughts Circumstance Emotions Habit

7 The Challenge for Schools is …
‘ How to veer away from an emphasis on systems and procedures and to concentrate on human process issues in an attempt to get people to behave differently towards each other and to value each other as human beings ’

8 What difference can coaching make?
A Coaching culture within an organisation is a culture where not only formal coaching occurs – but also where most people use coaching behaviours as a means to:

9 Coaching becomes a means for...
Supporting one another Challenging constructively Achieving clarity Finding solutions Celebrating successes Deepening levels of communication and understanding Building relationships Helping others to take ownership

10 In Practice … Individuals are listened to with both the head and the heart Questions help another to take ownership of their ‘concern’ and find their way forward Conversations are solution focused All relationships are built on trust and mutual respect Change fosters a collective hope and resilience

11 Organisation/Relationship Norms and their Impact on the creation of Coaching Cultures
When individuals are empowered to take ownership of their goals, it can cause a shift in the culture of a school. As individuals learn how to work in alignment with the school’s vision and values, a new set of relationship norms are created which are less to do with individuals seeking success for their own class, team or dept., but are now more to do with generating and seeking whole school success

12 Do you want to find out more about how to…?
Instill a culture of continuous improvement? Create an environment in which all staff feel supported, able to take risks and are self motivated? Enable staff to align their own vision and goals with that of your school?

13 Our Coaching Courses 1 day introduction to coaching
4 day coaching programme to maximise staff performance 6 day ILM accredited coach training programme

Date: Thurs 29th Sept Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm Venue: TBC Benefits Gain an understanding of how coaching impacts on performance Practice coaching skills Identify how coaching could support improvement initiatives in your own school

15 Contact Details Web: Tel:

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