Disclaimer This power point was developed from presentations, handouts, discussions and information presented at the 2016 NAFRA Formation Workshop.

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1 Disclaimer This power point was developed from presentations, handouts, discussions and information presented at the 2016 NAFRA Formation Workshop.

2 The Spirituality of the Formator
Be Who you Say You Are Who are we really? Being a formator we do not say do as I say but be an example to show the way. The Spirituality of the Formator

3 You must… Be Christ centered- live from Gospel to Life and Life to Gospel. The Gospel may be difficult to live, but due to the unrelentingly simple__________ teachings it is radically simple and there is genius in its simplicity in the Gospel. Rediscover Jesus by Mathew Kelly To be a formator …. We lead not the world’s way but as a servant leader. Why we do it comes first- then what we do and how we do it a plan of life Holy Spirit inspired.

4 Leadership- What we do We lead the servant leader’s way.
A plan of life Holy Spirit inspired GC. Article 9:1. The Spirituality of the Secular Franciscan is a plan of life centered on the person of Jesus the following of Christ, rather than a detailed program to be put into practice. Food for the journey.. LOVE. Love rooted deeply in prayer in a continuous connection to the source of all wisdom and knowledge- THE Holy Spirit The spirituality of the Secular Franciscan is a plan of life centered on the person and on the following of Christ rather than on a detailed program to be put into practice.

5 It takes commitment and passion
There are three steps. Which are fluid and interrelated The Path Getting There The Goal Exploring Christ Growing in Christ Christ Centered Life We explore Christ. In getting there we grow in Christ. In order to reach our goal living a Christ centered l life.

6 The Path to becoming Christ Centered
1. Becoming love 2. Surrendering to God 3. Living for others through compassionate love, becoming the fruit of the spirit. This is what you are called to be. Be come love.

7 Becoming mature in Christ: love
Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love; and then for the second time in history of the world, man will have discovered fire. Pierre Teihard de Chardin- We surrender to God and allow him to increase in us. We die to self. By now, O Lord you are our Father, we are the clay, and you are the potter; and all of us are the work of your hands Isaiah 64:8 Becoming mature in Christ we show compassionate love to others Growing in Christ we try to see what does God see in this person to whom we will show compassion. Think about the story of the Good Samaritan… compassion

8 Becoming Mature in Christ
“For God so loved the world that he gave is only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16 “Becoming fully mature in Christ You need to show compassion for others. What does God see in us ?

9 Roadblocks Oh yes, there are roadblocks to becoming the person God calls you to be_ Roadblocks to surrender to become a loving and compassionate person to others are i.e. the seven deadly sins- anger, pride, greed, gluttony, envy, and I one more to be added, excessive need for control. Conversion and/or metanoia, do you believe in the good news? Yes, you can over come your roadblocks.

10 Look at the person God Created
A human person –- Admonition 5 The 5th admonition tells us that we can participate in God’s plan. Think in what excellence the Lord God has placed you for God created and formed you to the image of God’s beloved son according to the body, and to God’s likeness according to the Spirit. We are called to be Christ to the world. The 5th admonition tells us we have a capacity for God and we can participate in God’s plan. Consider.. In what excellence the Lord God has placed you for God created you and formed you in the image of his beloved son according to the body and to God’s likeness according to the Spirit.

11 There will be crosses along the way, God’s grace (which is free) is sufficient for his strength is made perfect in our weekly Masses. Everyone has a cross to carry. How will you carry it?

12 God’s Person A human–---- A Christian–---- A Franciscan
Who are you? You may not be what you want to be, however, you are not what you use to be. Who are you? You are called to be Christ for the world.

13 Now that your examination has happened, Like Francis and the Leper, wake up to who you are. Find a a quiet place to meet God. Where is your Cave? In that cave confront those areas that need conversion, Accept correction The divine light enlightens your time to discern who God has called you to be. Awake and aware, you need fraternity to support you. With the help of the fraternity the Holy Spirit leads you into truth. Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 And the truth will set you free.

14 A Litany “In Christ Jesus…” (repeat before each response)
In Christ Jesus.. I am God’s child; I am a member of Christ’s Body. In Christ Jesus… I am blessed, chosen, and dearly loved; I am blessed with every spiritual blessing. ..I am forgiven ; I can forgive others. ..I have purpose; I have hope ..I have peace; I am sealed with the Holy Spirit. .. I know I can be strong. ..I am salt and light of the earth; I am His disciple. ..I am alive in Christ; I have access to the Father. ..I am a dwelling for the Holy Spirit; I can approach God with freedom and confidence. ..I know there is a purpose for my sufferings ;I know I have been called. ..I can give thanks for everything ..I possess the mind of Christ; I am a new creation

15 “ Alter Christus” Follow the steps and you will be who you say you are.

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