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Welcome to Pluto Class Maths Workshop.

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1 Welcome to Pluto Class Maths Workshop

2 Number and Place Value Counting & Mathematical Language
Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards; starting at any number. Count, read and write numbers to 100. (numerals) Read and write numbers in words to 20. Writing numbers correctly. Say what is one more or one less than a number. Use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

3 1 more / 1 less 10 more / 10 less

4 Calculations Adding and Subtracting
Represent & use number bonds & related subtraction facts to 20. Add & subtract 1-digit & 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero. Read, write & interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equals signs. Solve 1-step problems involving addition & subtraction, using objects & pictorial representations. Solve missing number problems.

5 6 + ___ = 11 5 8 14 – 6 = _____

6 There are 5 people on the bus. 2 more passengers get on
There are 5 people on the bus. 2 more passengers get on. How many people are on the bus now? 3 passengers get off at the next stop. How many people are on the bus now?

7 Calculations Multiplication and Division
Solve 1-step problems involving multiplication & division, using objects, pictorial representations & arrays. Put the flowers into groups of 2. How many groups can you make? 6 ÷ 2 = _____

8 Fractions Recognise, find & name ½ and ¼ of an object, shape or quantity. Shade half the apples green. Shade the other half red. What is ½ of 8? _____

9 taller shorter heavier lighter empty full Measurement:
Shape & Measures Compare, describe & solve practical problems for lengths & heights; mass/weight; capacity/volume; and time. Measure & begin to record lengths & heights; mass/weight; capacity/volume; and time. heavier lighter empty full

10 Time and Money Telling the time to the hour and half past.
Draw hands on a clock to show these times. Sequence events in chronological order using language. Knowing the days of the week and the months of the year. Recognise & know the value of different denominations of coins & notes.

11 Properties of Shapes Recognising and naming common 2D and 3D shapes.
2D - rectangles, squares, triangles & circles 3D - cuboids, cubes, pyramids & spheres

12 Position & Direction Describe position, directions & movement, including ½, ¼ and ¾ turns. forwards backwards left right

13 Mastery Mastery is about developing a deeper knowledge and understanding of the maths concept taught. Being able to explain why an answer is correct or incorrect. Exploring open-ended questions and being able to explain what has been found out and how an answer was achieved. Example: Make 19p, using only 2p, 5p and 10p coins. Find 3 different ways to do this. Can you make 20p using only those coins? How many different ways can you find to do this? Are you sure you have found all the different ways? Explain how you know.

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