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Regulating Blood Sugar

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1 Regulating Blood Sugar
10.3 Image from:

2 Image from: http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/imagepages/8883
Pancreas is mostly an exocrine gland (digestive enzymes to the intestines), but 2% is the islets of Langerhans, endocrine cells

3 Islets of Langerhans beta cells produce insulin
alpha cells produce glucagon (Image from:

4 Image from:

5 Adrenal Glands adrenal cortex produces 3 types of hormones, including glucocorticoids glucocorticoids such as cortisol help to raise blood sugar (Image from:

6 Image from: http://www. stanford

7 Imbalance if blood glucose level is too high it can cause a condition called hyperglycemia if blood glucose level is too low it can cause a condition called hypoglycemia Image from:

8 Image from:

9 Classic symptoms of diabetes:
Diabetes Mellitus hyperglycemia due to problems with insulin production and/or action Classic symptoms of diabetes: frequent urination increased thirst increased appetite

10 Type 1 Diabetes beta cells in pancreas cannot produce insulin
begins in infancy treatment is daily administration of insulin

11 Type 2 Diabetes reduced production of insulin and/or the inability to bind to its receptors properly usually develops in adulthood, strong genetic link & association with obesity treatment is controlled diet & exercise and sometimes oral medications

12 Gestational Diabetes develops in some women during pregnancy
can increase risk of future development of diabetes in mother and/or child

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