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Health Psychology Fourth Edition Quiz Chapter 10

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1 Health Psychology Fourth Edition Quiz Chapter 10

2 http://www. psychologicalscience. org/index
 Adding more tests meant better short-term and long-term recall than standard study techniques did.

3 1. The main heart muscle itself is called the: (365)
Endometrium Myocardium Presbycusis Telomere cerebellum

4 1. The main heart muscle itself is called the: (365)
Endometrium Myocardium Presbycusis Telomere cerebellum

5 2. The American Diabetes Association emphasizes that _____ is the cornerstone of treatment for all people with diabetes. (402) Insulin Medication Self-management surgery 1&2

6 2. The American Diabetes Association emphasizes that _____ is the cornerstone of treatment for all people with diabetes. (402) Insulin Medication Self-management surgery 1&2

7 3. The group with the highest death rate from diabetes in the U. S
3. The group with the highest death rate from diabetes in the U. S. is: (397) Soccer players African-Americans Whites Cuban-Americans Asian-Americans

8 3. The group with the highest death rate from diabetes in the U. S
3. The group with the highest death rate from diabetes in the U. S. is: (397) Soccer players African-Americans Whites Cuban-Americans Asian-Americans

9 4. Many people with high blood pressure are ____ sensitive and should limit intake to 2,000 mg per day.(392) Lipid Fat Potassium Sodium 1 & 2

10 4. Many people with high blood pressure are ____ sensitive and should limit intake to 2,000 mg per day.(392) Lipid Fat Potassium Sodium 1 & 2

11 5. Many people with high blood pressure are sensitive to ___ and should limit intake. (392)
Lipid Fat Potassium Dietary salt 1 & 2

12 5. Many people with high blood pressure are sensitive to ____ and should limit intake. (392)
Lipid Fat Potassium Dietary salt 1 & 2

13 6. Research has shown that hostility:
has no relationship to Heart disease lowers the incidence of Heart disease increases the incidence of Heart disease

14 6. Research has shown that hostility: (395)
has no relationship to Heart disease lowers the incidence of Heart disease increases the incidence of Heart disease

15 7. Which of the following helps to lower serum cholesterol? (393)
Butter fat Olive oil Trans fats Animal fats All of the above.

16 7. Which of the following helps to lower serum cholesterol? (393)
Butter fat Olive oil Trans fats Animal fats All of the above.

17 8. Most cases of high blood pressure are classified as primary or essential hypertension which means: (376) It is harmful It is not harmful It is caused by saturated fat in the diet Exact cause is unknown A & C

18 8. Most cases of blood pressure are classified as primary or essential hypertension which means: (376) It is harmful It is not harmful It is caused by saturated fat in the diet Exact cause is unknown 1 & 3

19 9. Red wine (also Citrus fruits, green tea, onions, dark chocolate) is a source of ____ which appear to lower the risk of CVD. (378) Alcohols triglycerides antigens lipids flavonoids

20 9. Red wine (also Citrus fruits, green tea, onions, dark chocolate) is a source of ____ which appear to lower the risk of CVD. (378) Alcohols triglycerides antigens lipids flavonoids

21 10. ___ are medications that lower blood pressure and reduce the pumping demands placed on the heart. (369) Testosterone and estrogen Dopamine and norepinephrine Acetaminophen and ibuprofen Beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers Prozac and Zoloft

22 10. ___ are medications that lower blood pressure and reduce the pumping demands placed on the heart. (369) Testosterone and estrogen Dopamine and norepinephrine Acetaminophen and ibuprofen Beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers Prozac and Zoloft

23 Bonus Question: One of the most severe manifestations of cardiovascular disease is (368) :
Stroke Diabetes Angina Coronary angiography Nephritis

24 Bonus Question: One of the most severe manifestations of cardiovascular disease is (368) :
Stroke Diabetes Angina Coronary angiography Nephritis

25 The End

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