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University-school partnership for the improvement of teaching and learning

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2 University-school partnership for the improvement of teaching and learning
Dr Ko Po Yuk Director, Centre for Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CELT) The Education University of Hong Kong Big Education Platform Symposium 5 Nov 2016

A Shared Conceptual Understanding Mutuality in Roles and Relationships Sound Operational Plans: Infrastructure, Funding, and Sustainability Evaluation of Outcomes and Process Mary E. Walsh & Sarah Backe. (2013). School–University Partnerships: Reflections and Opportunities, Peabody Journal of Education, 88:5,

4 To become a major professional development centre for nurturing excellent teachers and developing effective pedagogies in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region.

5 Our Mission Promote teacher professional development & establish professional learning communities Research quality instructional theories & develop effective pedagogies for dissemination Foster collaboration with schools in Hong Kong and overseas research groups to facilitate research in pedagogical practices

6 Mission 1: Providing excellent professional development programs for teachers
CoP (120 schools)

7 Providing excellent professional development programs for teachers (PDP) (5-weeks)
Professional Development Programme on Effective Lesson Observation and Evaluation – A Whole School Approach 「有效的觀課與評課 ─ 以學校為本位」 Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Integrating Self-directed Learning in Classroom Pedagogy 教師專業發展課程—發展有效「自主學習」課堂教學模式

8 Mission 1: Establishing learning communities

9 「促進實踐社群以優化小班教學」計劃(2015-17)
B校 校內學習圈 C校 A校 跨校學習圈 校內學習圈與跨校學習圈

10 電子學習 利用Nearpod做練習 展示學生答案 運用電子教具探討難題

11 Pre-post tests analysis

12 Pre-post tests analysis Comparison of the five cycles
5 4 1,2,3

13 Mission 2: Developing theories in practice
A guiding principle for pedagogical design Theory of Variation 6 guiding principles for improvement of classroom practice A reflective tool CURRICULUM Learning Objectives PEDAGOGY Questioning Participation Group work Feedback ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning Effective

14 Publications for Knowledge Transfer

15 Mission 2: Platforms for professional dialogues

16 Mission 3: Partnership with schools & educational bodies

17 Mission 3: Affiliation with school leaders
& excellent teachers Invite school leaders and excellent teachers to be our affiliated members (e.g. The Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence Teachers Association, Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools, Hong Kong Aided Primary School Heads Association ) Look for logos of association

18 Mission 3: International Networking
WALS (The World Association of Lesson Studies) Class Size and Effective Teaching International Network (The Network) ( ) 『班額與有效教學國際網絡』「簡稱網絡」

Conflict and Clash of Cultures Institutional Support Competing Professional Pressures for Partners on the Front Line Funding Insider/Outsider Dynamics

20 Opportunities ‘The ultimate outcome of these partnerships is that theory, research, and practice inform and shape one another in the service of children.’(p.605) Mary E. Walsh & Sarah Backe. (2013). School–University Partnerships: Reflections and Opportunities, Peabody Journal of Education, 88:5,


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