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Welcome Back! 3rd grade (2017-2018).

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! 3rd grade (2017-2018)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! 3rd grade ( )

2 Introductions Mrs. Foy Ms. Hawkins-Title I Math
Mrs. Stevens Mrs. Kozup-Title I Reading Mrs. Book Miss Perkins-Title I Reading Mrs. Dell Mrs. Baer-Math Mr. Williams Mrs. Blouch-Reading Miss Weidel

3 Curriculum Supplements + Accelerated Reader
+ i-Ready(can be done at home) math reading + Reflex math (can be done at home)

4 Communication Arts Comprehension Vocabulary Homework Grammar Spelling
Writing Spelling pretests will be given prior to each story to determine which leveled list your child will receive for that story. There will be weekly assignments associated with the weekly spelling lists.

5 Comprehension Tests Unit 1 tests will be text dependent.
Unit 2 tests will be one cold read story, with multiple choice, and 1 open ended. Unit 3 test will be one cold read story, multiple choice, read second story, open ended.

6 Comprehension Tests Unit 4 -2 tests both with multiple choice and open ended, can be corrected for half credit. Units 5-6 complete both tests on their own, no corrections Will vary per class Spelling and vocabulary tests on Day 5 Grammar and Comprehension tests Day 6

7 Example open ended question
How do the characters in the stories “The Thanksgiving Play” and “The Biggest Turnip” work together to solve their problems? Support your answer with clear text evidence.

8 PSSA Text Dependent Rubric

9 Math Flexible grouping based on Beginning of the year test. Students will be moved as needed. Grades based on Class work Test/quizzes homework

10 Social Studies/Science
Will be included as one grade on report cards First SS unit is maps. After initial unit SS incorporated into Reading (cross-curricular) Science – living things, minerals, sun and moon, ect. Some science topics will be covered in STEM special.

11 PSSA Information April 9-13 ELA, April 16-20 Math Expectations
Be in school on time Stress effort and the importance of trying their best. Cold read tests are stepping stones towards meeting expectations. Text dependent answers need to be supported by evidence from the story, not one sentence. Math open ended questions need to include work shown.

12 Organization Folders Planners
Students are expected to come prepared for class, which includes the planner, folders, pencils, and homework (completed).

13 Homework 30 minutes/night (average) Consequences
Will include reading every night (varies) Expectations Completed and turned in on time Written in planner by the student Planners checked by parent Consequences May miss recess to complete work May attend lunch bunch with Dr. Woods

14 Discipline Expectations
Discipline will be handled according to the High 5 expectations Each type of infraction has its own consequences.

15 High 5- SWPBSP-Olweus High 5
School Wide Positive Behavior Support Program Bullying prevention program

16 Academic Honesty Policy
Most offenses at this level will be Level One.  If you determine a child has cheated on an assignment, typically you will: 1.  Allow him/her to take the quiz a second time.  He/she receives the average of the zero and the second grade.  2.  Put a log entry into Powerschool so the offense is documented and one of the administrators can address the issue with the student if discipline is appropriate.   3.  Contact the parent.

17 Reminders Make-up work-will be sent when student returns Dress code
3 consecutive days absent Dress code No flip flops No bare shoulders Refer to student handbook Classroom birthday treats Individual servings to be shared at lunch Food allergies

18 Communication If you have any questions or items you would like to discuss please contact your student’s teacher directly via . Will respond within 24 hours or sooner.

19 Questions?

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