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Darren Aldrich, strategy and communications lead, Health Careers

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1 Darren Aldrich, strategy and communications lead, Health Careers

2 A brief history NHS Careers launched (1999)
Created to help recruit to significant increases in commissioned education places Big budget, above-the line recruitment campaigns, including TV advertising ( ) NHS Employers responsible for NHS Careers (2005) New role to sustain long-term workforce supply New literature and website (2006) Schools campaign launched (2007) Work experience toolkits/lesson plans (2008) Schools competition launched (2009) Health visiting campaign launched (2012) HEE responsible for NHS Careers (2013) Review of all careers services Establishment of a HEE wide careers network (March 2015) Launch of new Health Careers website and brand change (October 2015) Ongoing rebrand of services to Health Careers

3 Facts and figures Helpline 2,000 enquires every month (30% less than 2010) Peak times Jan-March and September Highest number of contacts from year old women interested in nursing Hundreds of literature orders from range of organisations each year. Health Careers website Launched October 2015 and has over 700k user sessions each month Over 18k people are registered including current health staff and careers advisers Includes information, tips and tools to help people find a career for them 16,000 people registered to receive s Social media Nearly 16k followers on Twitter Over 3,000 Followers on Facebook Over half a million views on YouTube and over 1,000 subscribers School campaigns 8,000 year 8 and 9 students get involved in last year’s schools’ competition 40k visits to the campaign website every month Website includes a career mapper tool to help young people find their perfect career @NHS_HealthEdEng @HealthCareersUK

4 Health Careers
marketing Infographics Teaching resources @NHS_HealthEdEng @HealthCareersUK

5 Supporting patients through labour market information
“A number of professions are over supplied. There should be somewhere where people can check on the jobs market… present you have a situation where people spend time and money learning and there are no jobs at the end.” Director of Education in HEE local office @NHS_HealthEdEng @HealthCareersUK

6 Possible scenario…. Gerry is 16 years old and from Brighton. He wants to be a physiotherapist. His plan is to do his degree in Liverpool, then move back to his hometown and get a job in his local hospital. Workforce intelligence shows a decreasing need for physiotherapists and an increasing need for occupational therapists but this information is not publicly accessible. Gerry is now 18 and has submitted his UCAS application and has a preliminary offer from the University of Liverpool. Workforce intelligence still shows a decreasing needs for physiotherapists and increase for OTs Gerry has qualified and is struggling to find a job in the NHS. His local hospital trust is seeing 30 applications for every newly qualified physiotherapy role but is recruiting OTs from abroad. @NHS_HealthEdEng @HealthCareersUK

7 Activities for 2016/17 Website Research
Campaigns Improving access to psychological therapies Apprenticeships Schools’ competition Phase two of careers literature Website Reworking of navigation Personality tool Real-life stories and video content Research Allied health professions (student funding) Primary school research National Events Skills Show Big Bang Fair What Career live National Career Guidance Shows @NHS_HealthEdEng @HealthCareersUK

8 Challenges we face… “The press/media don't advertise working in the NHS very well.” 18 year old female student

9 Discussion What are your biggest challenges?
What else can we do nationally to support you in meeting these challenges?

10 HEE Careers Infographic
Working with primary schools

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