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Key Stage 4 Options Survey 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Key Stage 4 Options Survey 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Stage 4 Options Survey 2017

2 Aims of this session: How the GCSE option process works Careers Advice
Which subjects are offered at KS4 compulsory and optional subjects. Important dates for your diary

3 The GCSE Options Process
Employability lessons/Form time Year 10 report GCSE Option assemblies GCSE Options booklet Subject presentations in assemblies and lessons during options week Year 10 Parents/Options Evening Individual Guidance Interviews

4 Careers Advice What if… I could choose any job in the world?
What would your answer be? You are the future work force and many of the jobs you will do don’t even exist yet! What will the world of 2020 look like? What will employers look for in 2020? What can you do now to make yourself employable in that modern landscape?

5 I could be… A Futurologist…? Powered Exoskeleton…? Virtual Lawyer...?
What do you think these jobs would involve? A Futurologist…? Powered Exoskeleton…? Virtual Lawyer...? Online Clutter Organisers...? Waste Data Handlers?

6 The best way to predict the future is to invent it !
Career Management is not just about making plans. It is about preparing for changes and transitions.



9 GCSE Compulsory and Optional subjects.
CORE SUBJECTS: All students will study English (some students will have opportunity to study English Literature) Maths (some students may have opportunity to study Further Maths) Religious Studies or Princes Trust Physical Education (non-exam) Science (Pupils will be advised by Science staff on choice of Single/Double award)

10 Optional Subjects Available in 2017
Art New-Bridge College Child Development Construction Drama French Geography H.E. Food & Nutrition

11 ICT (Digital Technology) Media (Btec) Music Physical Education
History New-Bridge College ICT (Digital Technology) Media (Btec) Music Physical Education Technology

12 Collaborative Courses
Business Studies Banbridge High School Motor Vehicle Studies Rathfriland High School Occupational Studies SRC Newry Campus Moving Image Art BTEC Countryside & Environment SRC Newry campus BTEC Children’s Care and Learning Banbridge High school BTEC Engineering BTEC ICT BTEC Sports Studies

13 Guidance with GCSE Option Choices
Year 10 Parents evening - Wednesday 22nd Feb 2017 Options Week – Week beginning Monday 6th March Individual Guidance Meetings - Thursday 16th March Careers/Employability Lessons – Preparing for making your choices Mrs Hasson- Vice Principal Mrs Harbinson- Head of Careers Ms Phillips- Year Coordinator and Year 10 Form Tutors Employability Teachers- ME, MV and JK Careers Advisor- Maria Sands Subject Teachers GCSE Options Booklet Talks from Senior students who have studied subjects

14 Individual Guidance for Year 10
On 16th March EVERY Year 10 student will be interviewed about their career aspirations with a member of staff. Parents are invited to the guidance interviews It is important for you to take control of YOUR career management NOW Ask questions and RESEARCH

15 Dates for your Diary 22nd February 2017- Parents/Options evening
6th March Options Week for Year 10 subject presentations 16th March Individual Guidance interviews for students/parents 27th March Deadline for Option Form

16 KS4 Brings………. Fresh start Huge opportunities Huge responsibilities This is the time you make important decisions on your own learning and plan what you will be doing for the next two years, and beyond.

17 “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

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