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The Cold War (40s & 50s).

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War (40s & 50s)."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War (40s & 50s)

2 Former Allies Clash Soviet Union vs. US: communism vs. capitalism United Nations: caught in the middle (both USSR and US had veto power)

3 Truman as President Unprepared: FDR never involved him in policy decisions First crisis after war: creation of satellite nations by Stalin (had promised to allow free elections)


5 Cold War in Europe New foreign policy: containment Winston Churchill: coined term “iron curtain” Truman Doctrine: military support to Greece and Turkey to fight communism Marshall Plan: economic support to rebuild countries destroyed in WWII Map of communism spreading



8 Post War Germany Divided into 4 Zones: F, GB, USSR, US
US,F,GB combined zones to create West Germany Soviet zone became East Germany Same w/ capital city (Berlin)

9 Berlin Airlift East Germany cut access into West Berlin Stalin was hoping to force Allies out US response: Airlift Stalin lifted blockade


11 Peacetime Alliances NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization): military defense alliance Warsaw Pact: communist military defense alliance

12 Civil War in China Nationalists (Chiang Kai-shek) vs. Communists (Mao Zedong) US supported Nationalists; USSR supported communists Communists successful (1949); created People’s Republic of China Nationalists fled to Taiwan US policy of containment failed

13 US China Relations

14 War in Korea Division Korea split at 38th parallel after WWII
NK: communist (supported by USSR/China) SK: non-communist (supported by UN)

15 UN military came to support SK and push NK out
(Korea continued…) Invasion June 25th 1950: NK invaded SK UN military came to support SK and push NK out Led by General D. MacArthur First two years of war: nobody able to win decisive ground

16 Mac Arthur pushed for an invasion of China Truman said no
(Korea continued…) China’s Entrance Mac Arthur pushed for an invasion of China Truman said no MacArthur argued and was fired Summary of War

17 The End July 1953: armistice ended war for UN 54,000 UN soldiers killed $67 billion Containment successful Increased fear of communism

18 Fear of Communism Loyalty Review Board
91 organizations targeted, 3.2 million people investigated HUAC Investigated movie industry Hollywood 10: ten actors refused to answer questions and were put in jail Blacklists

19 Spies Alger Hiss Accused of spying; sent to jail for perjury
The Rosenbergs Found guilty of selling atomic secrets to the Russians; executed

20 McCarthyism Senator Joseph McCarthy
Accused State Dept and Democratic Party of being communists Accused Army of having communists Televised Senate trials show McCarthy bullying witnesses and had no proof Lost popularity and did not win reelection

21 Eisenhower as President
New policy: brinkmanship (go to the edge of war and the enemy will back down) Felt confident due to the H-bomb Eisenhower Doctrine: US would defend any Middle Eastern country from communism

22 CIA Central Intelligence Agency (covert actions)
Iran: helped fund a political takeover by the shah Guatemala: US backed Guatemalan troops to force leader out and replace w/ a pro-USA leader

23 Hungary Wanted to be free from Soviet influence (they were a satellite country) Believed they would get assistance from the Truman Doctrine Eisenhower declared the TD didn’t apply to satellite nations USSR stopped rebellion (30,000 killed)

24 Cold War in the Sky Sputnik: Soviet satellite (Oct. 1957) U2 Incident
Led to increased spending on education Jan. 31, 1958: US satellite launched U2 Incident US spy plane shot down in USSR Pilot: Francis Powers held for one year by Russians

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