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Simple ways to help people get, and stay, online

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Presentation on theme: "Simple ways to help people get, and stay, online"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple ways to help people get, and stay, online
Digital Inclusion Simple ways to help people get, and stay, online

2 What skills are needed to use the internet?
Five key skills Search Communicate Transact Create Problem solve Three key attitudes Confidence Sensible approach to internet safety Appetite to try new things! For free classes and drop-ins visit or ask at any library

3 Digital inclusion & opportunities to access services
Depending on their digital skills, people need different levels of support to use online public services Info to go online Some people will just need the information to use a service online e.g. provide them with the URL Demo Some people will be able to use the service if they’ve had a demonstration or walk through. Ongoing support Some people will need regular digital skills support and coaching and need to know where to access support. Assisted digital Some people will need assisted digital. They need to know what’s available and where they can access help. Front-line Staff Interaction There are many different ways to segment this audience. Knowing the services we would like people to use, would help segment the audience further. We suggest that the above may provide a useful way to consider the audiences based on their digital skills needs. This helps direct the marketing for each type of service user.

4 How can you help? Make digital skills part of the conversation – use informal assessment to identify barriers: ££ - affordability – grants, free access points Disability / frailty - personalisation Confidence / knowledge – signpost: ask at library or visit Motivation – enthuse, discuss and demonstrate Other e.g. fear – listen, inform Be a Digital Champion!

5 What does a Digital Champion do?
Coach people Demonstrate relevant skills and apps e.g. bus app, map app, job search, online public services, safe passwords Be a “Go to” person - how do I? Encourage further practice - home or courses to sustain progress

6 www.digitalbrightonand Judith Field Local Project Manager
Contact me for Digital Champions training Staff and volunteer briefings on digital inclusion Digital skills sessions for groups of service users All services free of charge. @DigiBTN_Hove

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