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Unit 6 task 1 Connor.

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1 Unit 6 task 1 Connor

2 Foundation The first stage is called the foundation stage and it consist of people who are beginners in sport. This stage generally contains young people who do not understand the rules of the game but will develop basic skills and movements

3 Participation The second stage is the participation stage and what happens here is when people start to get involved in sport regularly and play a couple times a week but not at a competitive level.

4 Performance Performers train with a coach frequently and start to enter competitions or play at county level or age group level

5 Excellence This is the professional stage. These performers play at national or international level and would be playing their sport full time

6 Sporting example – swimming
Foundation – this stage can vary for different people as many don’t learn until they are much older, but generally children will learn to swim from a very young age. At foundation the emphasis is on the development of very basic motor skills with an introduction to water and the swimming environment through fun and games. ASA certificates and badges are awarded to encourage participation and reward hard work and improvement. To progress from foundation

7 Swimming Participation – when the pupil is good enough to join a club like a swimming club, where they can improve their skills. This could be a big jump as they are joining a club with better swimmers than them potentially so there will be competition throughout the sessions. They could also be introduced to competitions if they have the confidence to compete.

8 Swimming Performance – this involves swimming for a good standard club and they also compete nationally against the best swimmers of their age group. Swimmers in this group want to go pro and compete internationally and in Olympics, for this reason this stage is all about training and working hard in order to be the best. Its all down to motivation and determination

9 Swimming Elite – this stage is Olympic standard where the best swimmers from around the world. This stage is where they live and breath swimming as they need to train everyday in the pool and gym they also have to make sure they have the right diet.

10 Badminton Foundation - The foundation stage of badminton is about learning the basis movement skills, knowledge and understanding of the sport.  The foundation stage in badminton are presented through schools (secondary and community colleges etc.) which is taught as part of the curriculum.  schools also operate lunchtime and after school session/clubs

11 Badminton Participation - The participation stage of badminton is when people take part in the sport more regularly (twice a week) for health and fitness and fun - becoming more of a hobby. Exercising ones leisure option, taking part in sport for health, fitness, friends and fun. Getting involved in clubs within the leisure  Centre and community. Having a small amount of competitiveness between clubs in the local area (playing a friendly game) Attending coaching sessions and in some instance it can be linked to club sessions too.

12 Badminton Performance - Striving to improve, to compete, to attain personal goals. Going that extra mile to improve in ability and performance. Instead of a hobby, the sport becomes more of a passion. Wanting to compete in matches within the local area – then progressing to county level depending on ability and personal goals. Unless recognised at junior level players wishing to aspire to higher levels must be playing for one of the top clubs and taking part in the tournament circuit to be chosen to represent county/regional levels.

13 Badminton Elite - In this level we put emphasis on improvement through regular practise, competition and skills training. Trials are usually used to enter the academy and sponsorships are available at this stage. At elite level, players should be playing at high volume and intensity. The number of sessions is approximately 26 hours of physical activity per week, of which hours should be badminton training, 5-10 hours of off-court training and 3-4 hours of match play.

14 Athletics Foundation - One of the first times someone will get an experience of athletics is when they are in primary school when the school run things like sports days.  Some P.E lessons at schools may be a build up to sports days so that everybody will have the chance to compete in events. This can help their understanding of athletics in more perspective. some schools compete against other schools in area competitions so that they can challenge their abilities with others. This will then enable teachers to observe potential athletes that can go really far into their sporting career

15 Athletics Participation - Athletic clubs are categorized by the age of the athletes e.g. under 11's - this is the regulations that states the competitive age. The clubs are run by the athletes that represent the club at a competitive level and know exactly how to coach the sport. A child can join this club and train every week until they are old enough to compete.  The clubs train all the events, so the children can get a good understanding of all the events in athletics and what event they would like to compete in. The clubs also concentrate on all the events so that they can make the up and coming athletes versatile in what they can do. 

16 Athletics Performance - high intensity individual event and position-specific training is provided to athletes year-round. Athletes, who are now proficient at performing both basic and sport specific skills, learn to perform these skills under a variety of competitive conditions during training. The training side of it all must be appropriate for that athlete and their event so that it does not affect their health in any severe way. They will know that cheating is unacceptable as it it not natural - athletes will be tested for drug use and other offence that helped them to get where they are.

17 Athletics Elite - This is the final phase of athletic preparation. All of the athlete’s physical, technical, tactical, mental, personal and lifestyle capacities are now fully established and the focus of training has shifted to the maximization of performance. Athletes are trained to peak for major competitions. Training is characterized by high intensity and relatively high volume.

18 Contrast The foundation stage between the three sports seems to start off by beginners learning the basic skills of the sport. for example, in badminton, pupils are taught the basic rules of the game and the technique of how to hold the racket. in contrast, swimming is the same thing but in different content as the children will start off getting used to the water and practice on being afloat using woggles etc. the foundation stage is basically the beginning and introduction to sport.

19 Contrast At participation stage, it is the next step further when all children had learnt knowledge of the basic skills of the sport, then they will start to play that sport on a more regular basis so that they can improve. in addition, this means that they are enjoying what they are doing are willing to carry on and progress to the next level. In badminton, Players would attend local clubs and play against other people in league matches around that specific area. Similarly, in athletics parents would try and find out local clubs for their child to attend and also talk about their coaching side of view - how long will they train for? etc. However, in swimming children must be able to swim without any help or floats to be at this stage hence why it is a massive jump from foundation stage. it is the choice of being able to swim by themselves or not.

20 Contrast Perfromance- . By this stage, players and athletes must be playing at least at county level. In badminton they do trials to see any potential players that can be picked for each age group (u11, u15, u17, u21) whereas in athletics, they compete in competitions in order to be in a county team. they also run in age groups. This is really the start of the competitive level for each sport and athletes should be training more than twice a week and at higher intensity to be able to progress to the next level.

21 Contrast This is the ultimate level that athletes could be ranked in their sport around the country or even the world! Based on badminton, Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan is a prime example of elite level in badminton as they have competed in the commonwealth games, yonex all england open and the Olympic Games this is as far as it gets - competing against the world. Swimming has the same process as all the best swimmers compete in national and international competitions such as the Olympics and World series etc. over to athletics, again it is the same principles - all athletes that has progressed from the foundation stage and have reached the top has made it to the elite level. winning gold in the event heptathlon at the 2012 Games, Jess Ennis-Hill had risen to become the next new role model to young people all over the world.

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