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Scientific Revolution

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1 Scientific Revolution

2 Roots Before this, relied on Bible or Ancients
Renaissance led to spirit of curiosity Copied works from earlier Muslims Age of Discovery causes a need for new technology

3 HEAVEN HELL Before the scientific revolution …
… people regarded the Earth as a very large object at the center of the universe. It is so large it seems to be a flat surface. The heavenly bodies – sun, moon, stars, planets – were thought to be small objects above the Earth. And of course “heaven” was somewhere above; and “hell” was down below. HELL

NEW DIRECTIONS IN ASTRONOMY & PHYSICS PTOLEMY: Geocentricism NICOLAUS COPERNICUS ( ): Heliocentrisim TYCHO BRAHE ( ): More accurate position of planets JOHANNES KEPLER, ( ): Elliptical planetary movement

5 Nicolaus Copernicus Developed the heliocentric theory-idea that planets orbited the sun not earth(geocentric) Wrote On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies (1543)

6 Copernicus-Heliocentric Theory-Sun is Center of the Universe

7 Heliocentric

8 Geocentric – Earth is the center of the Universe

9 Johannes Kepler Mathematician
Discovered planetary motion or that planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits instead of circles Proved Copernicus’s theory

10 Galileo Galilei Confirms Copernicus’s theory by use of telescope
Challenged by Church officials Sentenced to prison by the Inquisition, although books spread

11 The Scientific Revolution
He was one of the first Europeans to build and use a telescope (he didn’t invent it!) Galileo used the scientific method to come to his conclusions; (Observe – Define – Test… Rethink, Observe, Experiment, Observe, Test…)

12 Galileo’s sketch of the moon as seen from his telescope
A photograph of the moon Here are a couple of pictures of the moon. The first is Galileo’s sketch…{READ} The second is a modern photograph…{READ} So Galileo could see that the moon is not some ideal heavenly disk, but a real material sphere with craters and mountains. It was like another little world. However, as was often the case with Galileo, many philosophers did not want to accept his new knowledge. They just couldn’t bring themselves to admit that their whole world view was based on errors. In a letter to Kepler, Galileo wrote… “{READ the quote} “What do you think of the foremost philosophers of this university? In spite of my oft repeated efforts and invitations, they have refused, with the obstinacy of a glutted adder, to look at the planets or Moon or my telescope.” (letter to Kepler)

13 Galileo statement With Sincere heat and unpretended faith I abjure, curse, and detest the aforesaid errors and heresies (of Copernicus) and also every other error contrary to the Catholic Church.

14 Isaac Newton Law of Gravity-all matter on earth and in space are ruled by the same forces of gravity “A Mechanical Universe” Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

15 Newton’s Theory of Universal Gravitation
Every mass attracts every other mass Newton asked good questions  the key to his success. Observing Earth’s gravity acting on an apple, and seeing the moon, Newton asked whether the Earth’s gravity extends as far as the moon. {READ}

16 William Harvey Publishes On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals in 1628 Said heart acted as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body

17 This all leads to Medical advancment
Louis Pasteur-discovers bacteria in mid 1800s-Pasteurization

18 Edward Jenner-smallpox vaccination

19 Scientific Theory or Method
Francis Bacon-in order to reach scientific truths one must carry out experiments

20 Rene Descartes-must rely on logic and mathematics to reach scientific truths (“I think, therefore I am”)

21 Scientific Method at work
Galileo dropped two stone off the Leaning Tower one was heavier than the other but they dropped at the same speed. Disproving Aristotles theory.

22 Understanding With its emphasis on reasoned observation and systematic measurement, the scientific revolution changed the way people viewed the world and their place in it

23 Exit Quiz 1. Before the Scientific Revolution people relied on the _______ as their source of knowledge. 2. Who developed the Heliocentric Theory?

24 5. Who proposed the theories about Planetary Motion?
3. What was the Heliocentric theory? 4. Who proved Copernicus’s theory? 5. Who proposed the theories about Planetary Motion?

25 6. Who confirmed Copernicus’s heliocentric theory with the use of a telescope?
7. Which philosopher developed the Law of Gravity? 8. Who developed the belief that the heart was main unit of pumping blood.

26 9. What does the following represent?

27 10. What does the following represent?

28 11. The work of what two thinkers help developed the Scientific Theory?
12. What did Kepler discover about the planets’ motion around the sun? 13. Who will developed a smallpox vaccination? 14. Who discovers bacteria? Hint helps milk

29 Scientific Rev. and Absolutism Review quiz
1. What Polish astronomer believed the earth was round and rotated on its axis as it revolved around the sun? A Johannes Kepler B Nicolaus Copernicus C Isaac Newton D Galileo

30 2. Sir Isaac Newton is associated with laws of:
A electricity. B motion and gravity. C human biology. D astronomy. 3. Who was the German astronomer who proved that the planets move in oval paths called ellipses, not in circles? A Isaac Newton B Galileo C Johannes Kepler D Andreas Vesalius

31 4. What shift in thinking occurred with the Scientific Revolution?\
A emphasis on observing the stars to predict the future B emphasis on improving the social structure C emphasis on individuals rather than heavenly ideas D emphasis on reason and systematic observation 5. William Harvey is known for discovering what? A inoculation B the circulation of blood C glands D infectious bacteria

32 6. Which person developed this model of the universe?
Copernicus Ptolemy Newton Aristotle

33 7. The scientific laws governing the motions of planets were outlined by
A Johannes Kepler. B Galileo. C Isaac Newton. D Benjamin Franklin 8. Laws outlying how truths must be discovered through experiments was outlined by which thinker? A) Isaac Newton B) Galileo C) Francis Bacon D) Copernicus

34 9. What thinker during the Scientific Revolution would have completed the following drawing?
A) Harvey B) Galileo C) Copernicus D) Kepler

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