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Homework due this lesson For each type of Resistance

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1 Homework due this lesson For each type of Resistance
1) Description of the Resistance 2) Success of the Resistance 3) How did the Nazis deal with it? Resistance Groups Communist Social Democrats Youth / Students Churches Army Intellectuals 1) Orange: / 2) E-book 111 / 3) White 4) Blue: 278, 279, 285 / 5) Black 89-92

2 6 million 3 months 13-15 minutes 22-29 kilograms (49-63 Pounds)
The numbers above are connected to the events of the Holocaust. Can you imagine what they refer to?

3 6 million 3 months 13-15 minutes 22-29 kilograms (49-63 pounds)
The number of Jews who died 3 months The average life exp in Auschwitz 13-15 minutes Time it took to kill 1,000 people 22-29 kilograms (49-63 pounds) Most women weighed on liberation


5 The Final Solution Lesson Objectives
To understand how Jewish people were treated during the war years. 2. To understand why the treatment of Jews got worse during WWII

6 How persecution escalated
Boycotts, purges, labour camps Nuremberg Laws 1938 – Kristallnacht ______________________ – Ghettos Einsatzgruppen (SS killing groups) 1942 – Death camps

7 Discrimination

8 1933 – 1935: Boycotts of Jewish shops, purges

9 Laws Discrimination

10 1935: Nuremberg Laws – took away from Jews rights of citizenship, and made it illegal to marry / have sex with Aryans – 1938: Jews issued with separate identity cards. Jewish men – forename of ‘Israel. Jewish women – forename of Sarah.

11 Violence on Laws Laws Discrimination Discrimination

12 November 1938 – Events of Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)

13 Violence Laws Discrimination

14 What effect do you think the outbreak of war would have on Jewish people in Germany?
Violence Laws Discrimination

15 The outbreak of war changed Nazi attitudes in 3 ways
Actions could be more extreme as did not need to worry about opinions of other countries As Germany successfully occupied more territory number of Jews under Nazi control increased(also removed possible land for them to emigrate to) Previous solutions to the ‘Jewish problem’ seemed increasingly inadequate.

16 Ghettos Violence Laws Discrimination

17 The first idea was….Ghettos
Jewish reservations in towns surrounded by walls. Jews were forced to live under harsh conditions and virtually imprisoned. The ghettos were overcrowded, and over 500,000 people died from starvation or disease because of the appalling conditions.


19 Schlinder’s List – Liquidation of the Ghetto (3:38) WARNING - GRAPHIC

20 Shootings Ghettos Violence Laws Discrimination

21 The second idea was special murder squads
Einsatzgruppen set up following invasion of Russia They moved in behind the German armies and killed the local Jews burying them in mass graves. The Nazis considered this method too slow to deal with such large numbers.


23 The Final Solution! Shootings 1941 - 42 Ghettos 1939 - 41 Violence
Laws Discrimination

24 Why was the problem of the Jews more pressing for the Nazis in 1942?
Wannsee, Berlin, 1942 Why was the problem of the Jews more pressing for the Nazis in 1942? The Matter at Hand – The Wannsee Conference (5:28)

25 Final Solution In January 1942, Nazi leaders met at Wannsee, Berlin.
They planned the quickest way to eliminate the remaining 11 million Jews in Europe. Death camps built in Poland where Jews were to be worked to death. Gas chambers and crematoria built at camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka. Carbon monoxide and Zyklon B gases were used. By time the camps were liberated by the Allies in 1945, up to 6 million Jews had been killed.


27 Auschwitz

28 Gateway to Auschwitz – ‘Work makes you free’

29 The Gas chambers.

30 The Gas chambers.


32 Becky High – 1,100 students

33 O2 Arena (London)– 20,000 capacity

34 The Big House– 110,000 capacity


36 Zyklon B canisters

37 25,000 pairs of shoes (1 day)


39 How persecution escalated
Boycotts, purges, labour camps Nuremberg Laws 1938 – Kristallnacht ______________________ – Ghettos Einsatzgruppen (SS killing groups) 1942 – Death camps

40 Wider-Viewing 1) Holocaust survivor Israel Arbeiter returns to Auschwitz-Birkenau with the WWII Foundation (7:06) 2) A Walk Through Auschwitz I Concentration Camp | In 1080p HD (12:31)

41 Bring only your orange WJEC book to future lessons
Bring only your orange WJEC book to future lessons! You will not be needing the white textbook anymore! Additionally, all future lessons will now be found on the VLE under: Unit 3 – Post World War

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