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Gifted Program Monitoring

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1 Gifted Program Monitoring
Jen Cornett Gifted Education Specialist


3 State Board of Education Goals FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2016-2020
All Students Proficient and Showing Growth in All Assessed Areas Every Student Graduates from High School and is Ready for College and Career Every Child Has Access to a High-Quality Early Childhood Program Every School Has Effective Teachers and Leaders Every Community Effectively Uses a World-Class Data System to Improve Student Outcomes Every School and District is Rated “C” or Higher

4 Materials Standards for Gifted Education Programs 2013
Regulations for Gifted Education Programs 2013 90 seconds to brainstorm all your questions about the new outcomes document Share your best one

5 Agenda Components of the Monitoring Visit
Compliance with Program Standards Compliance with Program Regulations Questions

6 Monitoring Visit

7 Monitoring Visit District leadership visit (if scheduled)
Classroom visits Documentation review

8 Monitoring Visit Evaluators verify minimal compliance and determine level of programming with the Standards for Gifted Education Programs 2013 and the Regulations for Gifted Education Programs 2013. The standards reflect the research and best practices in the field of gifted education. The gifted education program standards align with standards from the National Association of Gifted Children.

9 Determining Level of Programming
Compliance: All districts must meet all regulations and every standard at Level 2 Excellence: Districts must meet all regulations and every standard at Level 2 and Level 3 Exemplary: Districts must meet all regulations and every standard at Level 2 and Level 3, and must meet twenty-four Level 4 standards

10 Determining Level of Programming
Non-compliance with gifted regulations and standards could result in a downgrade of the district’s accreditation status - see Accountability Standard 17.8.

11 Preparing Documentation

12 Preparing Documentation
Documentation should be separated by criterion and principle. Criterion, principle, and level should be labeled on all documentation.

13 Preparing Documentation
Please provide one copy of the following at the beginning of documentation: The instructional management plan School Board policies relating to gifted education List of gifted teachers Gifted teacher schedules Gifted class rolls

14 Compliance with Program Standards

15 Standards Criteria Each of the seven criteria is composed of guiding principles. Each guiding principle has four levels of compliance: Level 1 “Non-Compliance” Level 2 “Minimal Compliance” Level 3 “Excellent Programming” Level 4 “Exemplary Programming”

16 Criterion I Curriculum and Instruction Six Guiding Principals

17 Criterion I: Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1. Qualitatively Different Programming Needs, interests, & learning styles Shared with all personnel 2. Differentiated Curriculum IMP Updated annually Feedback from all stake holders 3. High Ability Options for All Students All students/ all grades Specific students are approached Students are considered based on strengths

18 Criterion I: Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 4. Implemented IMP with Scope & Sequence of Process Skills Clear connection to MDE Outcomes Regularly modified (dates) Students show continual growth 5. Career Exploration & Life Skills IMP Establish contacts for future experiences Internships at the appropriate age (academies) 6. Visual & Performing Arts Integral to instruction Students analyze and apply art components

19 Criterion I: Curriculum and Instruction
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 1. Qualitatively Different Programming Instructional Management Plan (IMP) Student work samples 2. Differentiated Curriculum IMP Scope & Sequence (with dated revisions) 3. High Ability Options for All Students Schedules, website, letters from counselors

20 Criterion I: Curriculum and Instruction
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 4. Implemented IMP with Scope & Sequence of Process Skills IMP Scope & Sequence with dated revisions Student work samples 5. Career Exploration & Life Skills IMP 6. Visual & Performing Arts

21 Criterion II Program Administration & Management
Seven Guiding Principals

22 Criterion II: Program Management
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1. At least one gifted contact person holds gifted endorsement One GCP is endorsed + 3 years experience + graduate degree gifted or administration (can be anyone on the team) 2. Students are served the mandated minimum 240 minutes per week 240 Minutes 300 Minutes Board policy (integral) 3. Communication with Advocacy Groups Communication Established parent group Advises program design

23 Criterion II: Program Management
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 4. Communication with MDE Communication 5. Communication with Parents Two-way communication Established parent group 6. Communication with Other Personnel GCP included in decision making Annual presentation to school board 7. Adequate & Equitable Resources List of resources Shared among teachers Plans for additions

24 Criterion II: Program Management
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 1. At least one gifted contact person holds gifted endorsement Educator licenses 2. Students are served the mandated minimum 240 minutes per week Schedules 3. Communication with Advocacy Groups s, newsletters, notices, calendars 4. Communication with MDE Current Self-evaluation

25 Criterion II: Program Management
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 5. Communication with Parents Website, s, newsletters, communication log, annual surveys 6. Communication with Other Personnel Presentations to staff, administration, and school board 7. Adequate & Equitable Resources Inventories & resource list

26 Criterion III Program Design Five Guiding Principals

27 Criterion III: Program Design
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1. Services available to all intellectually gifted students IG Grades 2-6 Additional offerings Continuum of services 2. Appropriate use of state funds Teacher units Class size Local funds used to supplement Supplement is equal to other programs 3. Clearly defined goals aligned with mission & philosophy statements Statements exist Available Given to Parents Updated as needed 4. Flexible grouping of students in a resource room 240 Minutes 300 Minutes All settings 5. School district policies addressing and including provisions for the needs of gifted students Policy exists Reviewed with personnel annually Policy includes high ability learners

28 Criterion III: Program Design
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 1. Services available to all intellectually gifted students Current Gifted Program Proposal Schedules, class rolls 2. Appropriate use of state funds Receipts of P.O.s for: Materials (including testing) Teacher conferences Class rolls Appropriate use of T. U.

29 Criterion III: Program Design
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 3. Clearly defined goals aligned with mission & philosophy statements Policy, brochure, handbook 4. Flexible grouping of students in a resource room Class roles Schedules School maps 5. School district policies addressing and including provisions for the needs of gifted students Copies of policies

30 Criterion IV Program Evaluation Three Guiding Principals

31 Criterion IV: Program Evaluation
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1. Annual Self Evaluation is conducted & results are reported to MDE Annual Self Evaluation Goals and objectives Reviewed by an expert 2. Program evaluation is conducted competently, confidentially, and ethically and includes all stakeholders Conducted regularly, all stakeholders Completed annually Feedback from the community 3. Written evaluation reports Written report Clear and cohesive Followed

32 Criterion IV: Program Evaluation
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 1. Annual Self Evaluation is conducted and results are reported to MDE Current self-evaluation is on file at the MDE 2. Program evaluation is conducted competently, confidentially, and ethically and includes all stakeholders Evaluations or evaluation reports from students, teachers, parents, administration, etc 3. Written evaluation reports Copy of report(s)

33 Criterion V Social-Emotional Guidance & Counseling
Five Guiding Principals

34 Criterion V: Social-Emotional Guidance
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1. Guidance for social & emotional development of gifted students Specific activities, individual guidance Counselors are trained Counselors provide services 2. Career Guidance specific to the needs of gifted students Guidance based on interest 3. At-Risk students provided targeted services Guidance to at-risk students Services are provided to specific populations

35 Criterion V: Social-Emotional Guidance
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 4. Affective Curriculum Affective needs Scope & Sequence Adjusted for individual needs 5. Underachieving gifted students are identified and served Service Training for all staff Gifted teacher included in instructional decisions

36 Criterion V: Social-Emotional Guidance
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 1. Guidance for social & emotional development of gifted students Student work samples (pictures) Lesson plans Documentation of service 2. Career Guidance specific to the needs of gifted students Career inventories Student work samples Guest speakers 3. At-Risk students provided targeted services Conference documentation Plans/activities

37 Criterion V: Social-Emotional Guidance
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 4. Affective Curriculum Student work samples (pictures) Community service projects/plans Student profiles 5. Underachieving gifted students are identified and served List of students Conference notes and record of meetings Service plans Student work samples

38 Criterion VI Professional Development Five Guiding Principals

39 Criterion VI: Professional Development
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1. Gifted teachers are required to attend PD by the district regarding the appropriate education of gifted students District PD provided Includes all staff Ongoing training for all staff 2. Gifted teachers are allowed to attend one non-district PD per year designed specifically for teaching gifted students Non-District PD attended MAGC NAGC Actively engaged in organizations 3. Gifted Education materials are available in the district and regularly updated Materials Access, training Updated annually (website)

40 Criterion VI: Professional Development
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 4. The district provides training for teachers to develop an appropriate differentiated curriculum IMP developed Includes implementation Updated based on feedback 5. Gifted Education Personnel are properly endorsed Continued training Active in organizations

41 Criterion VI: Professional Development
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 1. Gifted teachers are required to attend PD by the district regarding the appropriate education of gifted students Meeting documentation - Agenda - Sign in sheet - Minutes 2. Gifted teachers are allowed to attend one non-district PD per year designed specifically for teaching gifted students MAGC List of teachers attending/ presenting Conference documentation 3. Gifted Education materials are available in the district & regularly updated Inventory of materials (with dated additions)

42 Criterion VI: Professional Development
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 4. The district provides training for teachers to develop an appropriate differentiated curriculum Meeting documentation IMP (revision dates) Student work samples 5. Gifted Education Personnel are properly endorsed Educator licenses Conference materials Conference presenter

43 Criterion VII Student Identification & Assessment
Ten Guiding Principals

44 Criterion VII: Identification & Assessment
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1. Information about the gifted program, including referral and identification are publicly available Referral to placement publicized Staff trained on characteristics and referrals Provided to parents and community 2. Potential screening pool includes all students and universal screening for gifted services occurs at one grade level All Students Universal Screening Second Universal Screening Offered 3. Referrals are accepted from multiple sources Anyone can refer Everyone knows they can refer Board Policy 4. Information regarding characteristics of gifted children and gifted programming is provided to parents Info to all parents Print materials available Meetings about gifted children are publicized

45 Criterion VII: Identification & Assessment
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 5. The assessment process utilizes multiple assessment measures. Objective and subjective measures Info from multiple sources Process is completed in a timely manner 6. The assessment instruments are reliable and valid for identifying gifted students & are in compliance with MDE requirements Reliable sources 7. The district has written procedures for identification, consent, notification of results, student reassessment, & exiting. Written procedures Shared with parents Individual conferences are offered 8. District approved, written parent appeals policy Policy exists Shared and implemented Reviewed annually

46 Criterion VII: Identification & Assessment
Principle Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 9. Assessment instruments selected make provisions for students with limited English proficiency, cultural differences, economic considerations, environmental factors, achievement levels, and disabilities. Appropriate instruments District trains examiners Assessments chosen based on established student profile 10. District provides PD for all personnel involved in the assessment and identification of gifted students. Training to all personnel GCP and examiners complete training Ongoing training

47 Criterion VII: Identification & Assessment
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 1. Information about the gifted program, including referral and identification are publicly available Referral to Placement Guide Website 2. Potential screening pool includes all students and universal screening for gifted services occurs at one grade level Record of universal screening 3. Referrals are accepted from multiple sources Testing documentation School Board Policy 4. Information regarding characteristics of gifted children and gifted programming is provided to parents Parent meeting/conference notes Handbook Brochure

48 Criterion VII: Identification & Assessment
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 5. The assessment process utilizes multiple assessment measures. Referral to Placement Guide Assessment checklist 6. The assessment instruments are reliable and valid for identifying gifted students & are in compliance with MDE requirements List of assessments (Refer to guide by MAGC) 7. The district has written procedures for identification, consent, notification of results, student reassessment, & exiting. Handbook District policies and procedures 8. District approved, written parent appeals policy Written documentation of hearing process

49 Criterion VII: Identification & Assessment
Benchmark of Guiding Principle Recommended Documentation 9. Assessment instruments selected make provisions for students with limited English proficiency, cultural differences, economic considerations, environmental factors, achievement levels, and disabilities. Matrix List of available assessment instruments Record of efforts made to select appropriate instruments 10. District provides PD for all personnel involved in the assessment and identification of gifted students. Annual training attendance records for: Teachers (referring) Gifted teachers Examiners

50 Compliance with Program Regulations

51 Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance.
Criteria from Regulations Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance. Access to Records Individual eligibility records are maintained in a separate locked storage facility/cabinet List of personnel with allowed access is posted on the outside of the facility/ filing cabinet Access to information in the eligibility records is restricted as defined in the regulations Information is noted within each folder

52 Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance.
Criteria from Regulations Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance. FERPA Parents are notified of their rights under FERPA. LSC The district has established a Local Survey Committee for the gifted program. Student Elimination Neither grades nor achievement test scores can eliminate a student from the eligibility process for the intellectually gifted program

53 Criteria from Regulations
Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance. Minimal Acceptable Criteria Documentation of the measures of minimal acceptable criteria for each measure used in the local referral criteria is in writing and approved by the local school board.

54 Criteria from Regulations
Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance. Annual Reassessment Committee An Annual Reassessment Committee is in place and adheres to the criteria for the annual reassessment process described on page 26 of the regulations Meets Annually to reassess each gifted student’s continuation Includes (at least) the student’s gifted teacher and administrative representative Maintains documentation of the meeting (name of student/s, committee members present, date Has a policy in place as to how hearings will be conducted

55 Criteria from Regulations
Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance. Instructional Management Plan The local Instructional Management Plan for the gifted program satisfies the minimum criteria on pages 27 & 28 of the regulations Includes district mission/ philosophy statement, including goals & objectives Includes the components of the Gifted Education Program Standards

56 Criteria from Regulations
Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance. Instructional Management Plan - Differentiated Activities - Scope & Sequence of program process skills (outcomes) - Career Exploration & Life Skills - Exposure to and appreciation for the visual & performing arts - In class counseling for gifted students - Addresses the socio-emotional needs of gifted students - Addresses the needs of at-risk gifted students Program outcomes for the specific gifted program(s) offered

57 Criteria from Regulations
Red lined items are often missing, resulting in non-compliance. Gifted Proposal The district has a current gifted program proposal approved by the MDE on file in the Office of Elementary Education & Reading Annual Self Evaluation The district submitted an annual self evaluation to MDE that is on file in the Office of Elementary Education & Reading

58 Causes of Non-compliance

59 Causes of Non-compliance
Citation Cause School Board Policies Required Updates from 2013 Regulations Referral to Placement Procedures Instructional Management Plan No Documentation of MDE Outcomes Missing Elements: Exposure to & Appreciation for the Arts Career Exploration Social & Emotional Wellness Affective Learning

60 Causes of Non-compliance
Citation Cause Eligibility Emerging Potential was incorrectly used to rule students eligible for services Assessment measures were incorrectly used to rule students eligible for services Inappropriate use of state funds Gifted program teacher-student ratio is greater than 60:1 Gifted program class size does not withhold program integrity

61 Causes of Non-compliance
Citation Cause Minimum service time Eligible gifted students receive less than 240 minutes of gifted program instruction per week Qualitatively different learning experience Students must receive instruction based on the Outcomes for Gifted Education 2017 designed to meet their specific developmental and learning needs during gifted program instruction Professional Development District does not provide PD specific to the needs of gifted children/ gifted programs to teachers of the gifted

62 Jen Cornett Gifted Education Specialist

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