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Presentation on theme: "Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography

2 Where am I? Do you know where on the Earth you live?

3 Where am I? I go to _______ School in the town of _________. It is located in ________ County. The capital of our state is __________. It has _____counties. Our state is located in the country of _______________________. The capital of our country is _______________. The president of our country is _____________ and the vice president is ________. We have ____ states in our country. We live on the ________________ continent. This is located in the _______ and the ______ Hemispheres. We live on planet _______. Meadow Benson Johnson Raleigh 100 The United States of America Washington, D.C. Barack Obama Joe Biden 50 North American North West Earth

4 Compass Rose “Never Eat Soggy Waffles”



7 Location Place Human-environment interaction 4. Movement 5. Regions
The 5 Themes of Geography Location Place Human-environment interaction 4. Movement 5. Regions

8 Where in the World are you?
Longitude and latitude help mapmakers and navigators to locate exact points on the Earth. The Equator: is it a line of longitude or latitude? it is an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth. It separates the globe into two halves called hemispheres. (northern and southern)

9 Word Bank Continents Oceans Divides
Africa Atlantic Ocean Prime Meridian Asia Indian Ocean Equator Australia Pacific Ocean Antarctica Southern Ocean Directions North America Arctic Ocean North South America West Europe South Hemispheres East Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere

10 LATITUDE The distance in degrees north or south of the equator.
Lines of latitude run parallel to the equator, which is labeled zero degrees latitude. The poles are 90 degrees latitude. Each degree of latitude measures about 111 kilometers of distance.


12 Longitude These lines locate places in East and West directions
a.k.a. meridians Lines run from pole to pole “like grooves on your Halloween pumpkin” The Prime Meridian is zero degrees longitude which separates the eastern and western hemispheres


14 Longitude and Latitude
Lines of longitude and latitude run in a grid-like pattern on a map or globe. To locate a point we use coordinates, kind of like a graph. At the intersection of the coordinates is the point on a map we are looking for.



17 What would be the coordinates for New Orleans?
30˚N, 90˚W

18 Which city is located at 34˚N, 84˚W? 49˚N, 106˚W?
Denver Atlanta


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