The Articles of Confederation

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1 The Articles of Confederation

2 Early Influences Magna Carta (1215) = first attempt to limit the power of the monarch; instituted ‘rule of law’ for monarchs and magistrates. Petition of Right (1628) = challenged the idea of divine right  the belief that English king was above the law English Bill of Rights (1689) = established a limited constitutional monarchy– king could not rule w/o the consent of Parliament. Rights and liberties of the individual are protected.

3 The Articles of Confederation
The Articles were drafted in 1777 by John Dickinson, a Penn. statesman Passed by the Continental Congress The Articles were approved by all 13 states in 1781 and is considered the first national constitution.

4 The Articles of Confederation
The fear of having too much power in one person’s hands (such as a King) reflects the experiences the colonies had under a monarchy. In the Articles, the power of the federal government (Congress) is limited. Power rests with the states. Each state maintained its sovereignty (power to govern itself).

5 Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Congress had: no power to raise taxes no power regulate foreign or interstate trade No standing army or navy Congress did not have the power to enforce laws 9/13 for approval of new laws ALL had to consent to change existing laws States could print own money

6 Strengths of the Articles of Confederation
Declare war and peace Print/coin money Make treaties Settle disputes between states Allowed Treaty of Paris (1783) and Northwest Ordinance to be passed.

7 Strengths of the Articles of Confederation: Settling Western Lands
The Land Ordinance of 1785, stated that land in the west was to be surveyed using a grid system to establish 6 mile blocks The Northwest Ordinance assisted in the orderly expansion of the United States, it outlined a plan for applying for statehood to western territories 5,000 free males who own 50 acres can start govt Population of 60,000 could become a state

8 Settling Western lands
The Northwest Ordinance provides an orderly settlement process in the West It promised no slavery*** education freedom of religion trial by jury

9 Northwest Territory The Northwest Territory was east of the Mississippi River and north of the Ohio River. The states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and part of Minnesota would be formed from this area.

10 Background of Shays’ Rebellion
Farmers are required to pay debts in gold (not paper money), but they have no money because they were not paid during the war. Wealthy lawmakers invested their money in the war too. Sought to collect by taking the farms of debtors.

11 Shays’s Rebellion Rebellions were most serious in Mass.
Bad harvests, economic depression and high taxes. Daniel Shays leader; 4,000 men. Attempted to: Capture federal arsenal. Revise state constitution The Mass militia is called out to stop it Shays’ Rebellion will prompt national leaders to create a stronger central government Need federal troops to put down the rebellion Need policies that apply to ALL states.

12 Responses to the Rebellion
“Rebellion against a king may be pardoned, or lightly punished, but the man who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death…” "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government. God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion."

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