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Eating Out.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating Out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating Out

2 Topic: “Healthy way of eating”

3 Our motto: “We eat to live, but we do not live to eat.”

4 What would you like to have?

5 Brainstorming

6 Brainstorming

7 • Ex. 1. There are some words. Try to identify unnecessary word.
1. Coca cola , Pepsi , Sprite , Milk , Fanta. Milk 2.Vegetables , Bacon , Salo , Sausage. Vegetables 3. Omelette , Hot Dog , Chips , Potato Fries. Omelette 4. Bubble Gum , Chupa Chups , Sweet , Apple. Apple

8 Answers: “Healthy food”

9 • Ex. 2. Put the words in the box into the correct column.
Coca cola, Porridge, Pepsi, Milk, Fanta, Soup, Butter, Vegetables, Fruits, Sausage, Hot Dog, Fish, Chips, Eggs, Instant noodles, Potato Fries, Sweets, Nuts, Cheese. Healthy food Unhealthy food

10 Answers: Healthy food Unhealthy food Porridge Milk Soup Butter
Vegetables Fruits Fish Eggs Nuts Cheese Coca cola Pepsi Fanta Sausage Hot Dog Chips Instant noodles, Potato Fries, Sweets

11 • Ex. 3. Rank the dishes according to the eight qualities.
tasty less easy to cook difficult to cook contains vitamins, minerals fattening unhealthy healthy Sandwich Beetroot soup Fried potatoes Curds Porridge Instant noodles Pilaw Hot dog

12 • Ex. 3. Rank the dishes according to the eight qualities.
tasty less easy to cook difficult to cook contains vitamins, minerals fattening unhealthy healthy Sandwich + Beetroot soup Fried potatoes Curds Porridge Instant noodles Pilaw Hot dog

13 “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.”

14 What is suitable for one person may cause some diseases from another person.

15 There are diseases of the stomach, the liver or the intestines.

16 • Make true sentences. Russians milk. Ukrainians don’t eat insects.
Chinese don’t drink mushrooms. Indians salo. French meat. Arabs raw fish. Koreans kissel. frogs. cheese with worms. cheese.

17 Menu

18 STARTERS Snail Frogs’ legs

19 Pigs’ feet Shelfish

20 Caviar year-old eggs

21 Tripe Black pudding (cow’s stomach) (made from blood)

22 SOUPS Bird’s nest soup Shark fin soup

23 Sea-weed soup

24 FISH Jellied eels Octopus

25 DESSERT Chocolate- Salad of covered ants flower petals

26 MAIN COURSES Brains Whole stuffed camel

27 Grilled Roast snake songbirds

28 Bat stew Horsemeat

29 Kangaroo Whale

30 Roast dog Pork, Beef, Lamb, Veal

31 QUESTIONS: 1. If you had been there, which dishes could you have eaten? 2. Which dishes couldn’t you have eaten? Why? 3. Do you know which countries they are popular in? 4. What unusual things are eaten in Ukraine?

32 Food pyramid

33 Food pyramid expressed in per cent

34 If you are in doubt, remember …

35 “An apple a day the doctor away.”

36 Be healthy!

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